标签:Javaexe打包开发商: ej-technologies
当前版本: 4.5.2
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exe4j是一个帮助你集成Java应用程序到Windows操作环境的java可执行文件生成工具,无论这些应用是用于服务器,还是图形用户界面(GUI)或命令行的应用程序。如果你想在任务管理器中及Windows XP分组的用户友好任务栏里以你的进程名取代java.exe的出现,那么exe4j可以完成这个工作。exe4j帮助你以一种安全的方式启动你的java应用程序,来显示本地启动画面,检测及发布合适的JRE和JDK,以及进行启动时所发生的错误处理等,以至于更多。
exe4j is a Java exe maker that helps you integrate your Java applications into the Windows operating environment, whether they are service, GUI or command line applications. If you want your own process name instead of java.exe in the task manager and a user friendly task-bar grouping in Windows XP, exe4j does the job. exe4j helps you with starting your Java applications in a safe way, displaying native splash screens, detecting or distributing suitable JREs and JDKs, startup error handling and much more.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
用户自定义的JRE/JDK检测机制 可执行的文件能在Windows 注册表,环境变量,特定目录及系统路径中检测合适的Java JRE和 JDK。你可以完全定制搜索顺序,错误处理及所支持的 JRE/JDK版本。 |
可选择附属JRE发布 exe4j 允许在你的应用程序中分发私有的java实时运行库(JRE)。这种方式下你可以保证你应用程序需求确切地得到满足。你甚至还能配置JRE的存放位置。 |
灵活的类路径配置 java 应用程序的类路径能被完全定制为对JAR文件扫描目录,包括特定的目录路径,文档以及插入的环境变量。定制的错误处理允许你以后以特定的错误消息代替含糊的"NoClassDefFound"异常来中断启动程序。 |
图形界面及控制台的应用程序 exe4j 让你能在相关的终端窗口编译生成图形界面及控制台应用程序。 |
Windows服务器 exe4j让你很容易使用Java就能创建Windows 服务。通过命令行方式进行安装/卸载/启动/停止间的切换,你可以对服务器进行完全的控制。 |
可供选择的JAR执行文件 exe4j让你在可执行文件中包含进JAR文件,这种方式下你可以用单个执行文件发布你的Java应用程序。 |
自定义用户名来代替java/javaw exe4j创建的java应用会以此的方式运行,exe4j的执行文件名将出现在任务管理器中,而不是java.exe或javaw.exe。在windowsXP中,分组任务栏里会显示你的执行文件名及相应的图标,取代常未描述的终端图标以及字符串"javaw"。 |
为可执行文件定制图标样式 exe4j 可让你把指定的图标文件编译到可执行文件中,这使你的应用程序比一个批处理文件或一个可执行的JAR文件有更加显著的专业化外观。 |
自定义工作目录 如果需要,你可以调整工作目录为一个与可执行文件相对的特定目录。这对从任意目录调用的控制台应用程序特别有用。当处于这种方式时,你就不再需要定义很麻烦的环境变量,如MYAPP_HOME。 |
虚拟(VM)参数文件 对每一个可执行文件,你能创建一个用户可编辑的虚拟参数文件。如你的可执行文件名叫hello.exe,则虚拟参数文件名则叫hello.exe.vmoptions,而它里面添加的每一行将作为一个虚拟参数。 |
版本信息资源 exe4j能创建一个版本信息资源到你的可执行文件中。例如,这个版本信息就可以显示在Windwos 浏览器的属性对话框中。如果希望得到类似"Designed for Windows"这样的logo标识,该功能对你来说就是必须的了。 |
本地启动画面 对于图形用户界面(GUI)应用程序,本地启动画面通过应用程序开始几秒的中断来给用户一个应用程序启动的最佳反馈。有关应用程序启动的及版本的文本形式状态信息能自由的放置在启动画面上。在你的Java代码中,一个简单的调用就可以完成对状态信息的更新。通过激活exe4j 的"自动关闭" (auto-off)模式,本地启动画面将被隐藏,应用程序立即只显示一个窗口。 |
Redirection of stderr and stdout 输出流及错误流能重定向到指定的文件中,这使得你能访问一些有价值的信息,例如输出在标准错误上的异常栈跟踪等,反之这些在Java的图形界面应用程序里则会被丢失。 |
启动故障检测 exe4j可执行程序不再是一个闪烁的终端窗口及一个挂起的什么也不显示图形用户界面,它能监视标准错误输出文件,并显示一个含有帮助信息的本地对话框来指示启动故障。 |
可选择强制单个应用程序的实例,及多次启动通知 如果你的应用程序必须只启动一次,那么exe4j创建的程序能强制执行该条件。如果用户第二次启动这个应用程序,现存的应用程序窗口会出现在最前面。exe4j的应用程序接口允许你注册一个监听进程,来对多重启动作出反映并接收命令行参数。 |
执行文件的消息完全本地化 所有执行文件的消息所采用的语言完全本地化。以这种方式,执行文件能融合到你的应用程序的本地目标中。 |
Customized JRE/JDK detection The executable can detect appropriate Java JREs and JDKs in the Windows registry, in environment variables, special directories and on the system path. You can fully customize the search sequence, error handling and supported JRE/JDK versions. |
Optional distribution of a bundled JRE exe4j allows you to distribute your own private JRE with your application. This way you can ensure that your application's requirements are definitely met. You can even configure where the JRE is located. |
Flexible classpath construction The classpath for your Java application can be fully customized to scan directories for JAR files, include specific directories and archives as well as insert environment variables. Customizable error handling allows you to interrupt the startup sequence with a specific error message instead of obscure NoClassDefFound exceptions later on. |
GUI or console applications exe4j lets you compile GUI applications or console applications with an associated terminal window. |
Windows services exe4j enables you to easily create a Windows service with Java. With the command line switches /install, /uninstall, /start and /stop you have full control over your service. |
Optional inclusion of JAR files into the executable exe4j lets you include JAR files into the executable - in this way you can distribute your Java applications as a single EXE file. |
Custom process name instead of java/javaw exe4j launches your Java application in such a way, that the exe4j executable and not java.exe or javaw.exe will appear in the task manager. In Windows XP, the task bar grouping will display the name of your executable and the associated icon, instead of the non-descript terminal icon and the string "javaw". |
Custom icon for your executable exe4j lets you specify an icon file that will be compiled into your executable. This gives your application a much more professional appearance than a batch file or an executable JAR file would. |
Custom working directory If required you can adjust the working directory to a specific directory relative to the executable. This is especially helpful for console applications which can be invoked from arbitrary directories. This way, you don't need to define fragile environment variables like MYAPP_HOME. |
VM parameters file For every executable, you can create a user editable VM parameters file. If your executable is called hello.exe, the VM parameters file is called hello.exe.vmoptions and each line in it is added as a single VM parameter. |
Version info resource exe4j can generate a version info resource entry in your executable. This version info is displayed for example in the property dialog of the Windows explorer. If you wish to obtain the "Designed for Windows" logo, this is an important requirement. |
Native splash screen For GUI applications, a native splash screen gives the users of your application an optimum feedback about application startup within fractions of a second. Textual status information about application startup and version information can be freely placed on the splash screen. From within your Java code, this status information can be easily updated with one simple call. With exe4j's "auto-off" mode activated, the splash screen is hidden, as soon as your application displays a window. |
Redirection of stderr and stdout Output stream and error stream can be redirected to customized files. This gives you access to valuable information like an exception stack trace on stderr that would otherwise be lost for a Java GUI application. |
Startup failure detection No more flashing terminal windows and GUI applications that hang without displaying anything. exe4j executables can monitor a stderr output file and display a native dialog with helpful information to inform about startup failures. |
Optional single application instance enforcement and multiple startup notification If your application must only be started once, an exe4j generated launcher can enforce this condition. Existing application windows will be brought to the top if a user starts the application a second time. The exe4j API allows you to register a listener that reacts to multiple startups and receives the parameters of the command line. |
Fully localizable messages of the executable All messages of the executable are localizable. This way, the executable can blend into the target locale of your application. |
更新时间:2014-06-24 16:09:49.000 | 录入时间:2012-07-09 03:27:00.000 | 责任编辑:陈俊吉
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