标签:图表AJAX开发商: MB Technologie
当前版本: v2.2
平台语言:DHTML / JavaScript
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
InfiView™ -一种用于web显示巨大的和实时的数据集的创新技术(动态数据如网络拓扑结构,社会网络,航空和交通实时情况,这些都能被整合到web地图,流程图,结构图等。)
InfiView™ - An innovative technology for web display of very large and live datasets (dynamic data such as network topology, social networks, airline and traffic live situation that can be integrated with web maps, flowcharts, organizational charts, etc.)
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
- 社会性的 (Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc.)
- 地图和地理定位服务
- 多用户系统,例如, 导图, 仪表板, Rule 引擎, LDAP工具, BPM 图表等。
1. 纯Ajax-零占用空间
InfiView是100%在Bindows中构建的,因此您得到的是纯粹的Ajax技术。一切都运行在浏览器中,不需要下载,不需要安装(不需要使用Java,插件或active X)。
2.任何数据大小 (甚至是无限大小)
InfiView及其先进的动态内存技术,使任何大小够使用(从很小一直到无限的大小)。如需有关这个独特的技术更多信息:请访问InfiView Space。
4. 多边形边
5. 实时移动&流
6. 分组(以程式化地创建分组)
7. 开放&可扩展的平台
8. 能够与任何地图一起使用
InfiView的开放式架构和它整合的分层系统使您很方便的使用不同的地图(例如,地理,天气,交通,政治,等),或来自多种的web地图源(例如,Google, Microsoft, Yahoo),这些对任何的InfiView应用程序都是可用的。
InfiView Demo
Network Topology | ||
This application demostrates: (1) how third party providers can be integrated seamlesly into the InfiView platform. (2) InfiView unique layering system - the map is controlled by InfiView. (3) How InfiView applications can be extended with any Bindows components (in this case - the live gauge). A standard InfiView application was created in a normal manner, and then Google Maps was placed into the background of the view port. A glass pane was put on top of everything to capture any mouse events. Try to:
Live Flow | ||
Live animated flow between multiple elements. Try to:
Network Topology with Layers | ||
Multiple networks displayed using our Layers technology. Try to:
Live Motion & Flow | ||
Inside the demo, click the Start button, move the slider to change the speed. InfiView supports live graphical presentation of movements and flow (technical term: moving edges).You can use this to develop applications presenting actual process flow and live location and movement. Several examples, a live metro/subway application, showing location and movement of all the train cars (or buses) in real time, or money flow in a corporation, and how much is currently available in every site, or, live supply chain application, etc. As a programmer you have full control over the weight of the edges (lines or any polygon), their color, the speed and direction of the animation, you can tie it to real life events - and of course, the whole layout could be programatically generated and updated from database(s). |
40,000 Interactive Nodes | ||
Showing how InfiView can present in a browser, a large data set, stored on a remote server, while enabling users interaction. |
InfiView™ - The Ajax Framework for Data Visualization
Present huge, complex and live data in a clear and graphical way, over the web.
Connect InfiView with real time data, of any size, from any given datasource, and present it in a web browser:
- Social (Twitter, Facebook, Digg etc.)
- Maps and geolocation services
- Multi user systems, e.g. Mindmapping, Dashboards, Rule engines, LDAP Tools, BPM Charts etc.
InfiView is a Software Development Platform.
Connect InfiView with real time data (of any size, even infinite), and present anything from social and geo-location to diagrams and maps, in a web browser.
InfiView applications can be complete web applications or embedded controls.
1. Pure Ajax - Zero Footprint
InfiView is 100% built in Bindows, so you get pure Ajax technology. Everything runs in the browser, no downloads, no installations (no Java, Flash, plug-ins or ActiveX are used).
It also means the most powerful Ajax technology in the market, with the richest GUI and object-oriented development (and used by more than 500,000 business users).
2. Any Data Size (even infinite)
InfiView and its advanced dynamic memory technology, enables use of ANY data size (from very small all the way to infinite). For more information about this unique technology: InfiView Space.
3. Integrated Layers System
With InfiView your applications can include multiple layers (for example, a layer of a map application, a layer of network topology, a layer of a live dashboard, etc.). You have full control of how transparent is each layer (and you can interactively change it).
All the layers can be tied together (so if you zoom or pan in one layer, it affects all layers).
4. Polygonal Edges
The polygonal edges enables creation of edges with any polygonal shape, color, gradient, arrows and more.
5. Live Motion & Flow
Inside the demo, click the Start button, move the slider to change the speed.
InfiView supports live graphical presentation of movements and flow (technical term: moving edges).
You can use this to develop applications presenting actual process flow and live location and movement.
Several examples, a live metro/subway application, showing location and movement of all the train cars (or buses) in real time, or money flow in a corporation, and how much is currently available in every site, or, live supply chain application, etc.
As a programmer you have full control over the weight of the edges (lines or any polygon), their color, the speed and direction of the animation, you can tie it to real life events - and of course, the whole layout could be programatically generated and updated from database(s).
6. Grouping (groups created programmatically)
Now you can programmatically create groups. InfiView will automatically switch the display from groups to items depending on the zoom level.
This capability, coupled with the support for infinite data size, enable you to present infinite size data, in a clear, legible way, at any zoom level.
7. Open & Extendable Platform
InfiView is an open platform software - you define and select your tools, interface, style and logic. You do it by either modifying XML templates (provided) or by using the InfiView wizard.
InfiView integrated layering system enables placement of smart layer(s) over existing data, static or dynamic (for example: maps, flowcharts, schematic diagrams, LDAP and SNMP) thus creating powerful interactive applications.
InfiView is enterprise strength. It is fully object oriented and built for extension. It can be used to develop enterprise multi-layered, Ajax applications that are programmatically generated, graphical, interactive and dynamic, using ANY data size and any language. Several potential enterprise InfiView applications are:
8. Use With ANY Map
InfiView's open architecture and it's integrated layers system enables live use of dissimilar maps (for example, geographical, weather, traffic, political, etc.), or webmaps from multiple sources (for example Google, Microsoft, Yahoo) for any InfiView applications.
9. Open Platform
InfiView is an open platform software - you define and select your tools, interface, style and logic. You do it by either modifying XML templates (provided) or by using the InfiView wizard.
The Bindows™ Engine provides:
Be both Rich & Thin (yes!)
With InfiView you do not need to choose between rich (interface) and thin (client). Your InfiView applications can be as graphically rich as any modern desktop application and extremely thin (and of course zero-footprint). InfiView applications are:
So Agnostic!
Your InfiView applications are agnostic to:
XML and Web Services
InfiView applications are defined by XML data and supports standard SOAP Web Services.
Complete windowing system including:
InfiView Demo
Network Topology | ||
This application demostrates: (1) how third party providers can be integrated seamlesly into the InfiView platform. (2) InfiView unique layering system - the map is controlled by InfiView. (3) How InfiView applications can be extended with any Bindows components (in this case - the live gauge). A standard InfiView application was created in a normal manner, and then Google Maps was placed into the background of the view port. A glass pane was put on top of everything to capture any mouse events. Try to:
Live Flow | ||
Live animated flow between multiple elements. Try to:
Network Topology with Layers | ||
Multiple networks displayed using our Layers technology. Try to:
Live Motion & Flow | ||
Inside the demo, click the Start button, move the slider to change the speed. InfiView supports live graphical presentation of movements and flow (technical term: moving edges).You can use this to develop applications presenting actual process flow and live location and movement. Several examples, a live metro/subway application, showing location and movement of all the train cars (or buses) in real time, or money flow in a corporation, and how much is currently available in every site, or, live supply chain application, etc. As a programmer you have full control over the weight of the edges (lines or any polygon), their color, the speed and direction of the animation, you can tie it to real life events - and of course, the whole layout could be programatically generated and updated from database(s). |
40,000 Interactive Nodes | ||
Showing how InfiView can present in a browser, a large data set, stored on a remote server, while enabling users interaction. |
更新时间:2014-02-24 16:24:01.000 | 录入时间:2008-09-19 16:36:01.000 | 责任编辑:
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