标签:多媒体仪表盘用户界面控件开发商: tmssoftware
当前版本: v2.6.0.0
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
TMS Instrumentation Workshop是一款能使你创建专业外观仪表盘与多媒体应用程序具备控件、程序与副程式的库。包含了80多种仪表盘与数码控件,如led、范围、图标、幻灯、结点控制、按键、计量器、具有自定义背景的控制面板等。
Over 80 Instrumentation controls for Delphi and C++Builder
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
TMS Instrumentation Workshop包含以下小组件:
TVrJogMeter: 旋转式计量表控件
TVrLineMeter: 高度可配置峰值、线性和对数刻度计量表控件
TVrThermoMeter: 带有峰值、选点、线性和对数刻度的温度计量表控件
TVrAngularMeter: 圆形模拟计量设备
TVrMeter: 针形和刻度计量表控件
TVrPowerMeter: 温度/进度计量表
TVrCompass: 基类针组件
TVrTank: 多图形槽控件
TVrSlider: 平滑滑块控件
TVrProgressBar: 增强的进度条
TVrIndicator: 水平或垂直LED
TVrTrackBar: 追踪条组件
TVrLevelBar: 带有多种填充样式的进度条
TVrGauge: LCD样式的仪表
TVrBlinkLed: 带有闪烁功能的多色LED
TVrCheckLed: 带有LED的复选框
TVrDigit: 7段式LED样式
TVrImageLed: 标准LED控件
TVrLights: 红/黄/绿LED行
TVrLed: 小灯泡控件
TVrArrow: 箭头形状的按钮控件
TVrJoyPad: 带有自定义方向的箭头控件
TVrUserLed: 用户可自定义的LED控件
TVrRaster: LED单元格光栅
TVrCounter: 显示自定义数字位图的计数器
TVrNum: 用LCD样式显示数值型值
TVrMatrixGroup: 用于显示文本的多行点矩阵
TVrMatrix: 用于显示文本的单行点矩阵
TVrAniButton: 使用位图幻灯片的动画按钮
TVrBitmapButton: 使用位图形状的按钮
TVrDemoButton: 带有各种附加功能的3D按钮
TVrHyperButton: WEB链接样式的按钮组件
TVrMediaButton: 3D效果的按钮控件
TVrPowerButton: 带有嵌入式LED的Windows按钮控件
TVrShadowButton: 带有额外阴影效果的按钮
TVrShapeBtn: 将位图转换为3D渲染图像
TVrUpDown: 上下式按钮控件
TVrRocker: 灯光式开关控件
TVrRotarySwitch: 带有开关位置标签的旋转开关
TVrWheel: 圆形进度指示或旋钮
TVrSwitch: 开关组件
TVrSpinner: 向上/向下控件
TVrKeyPad: 用于触屏应用程序的数字键盘
TVrNavigator: 多媒体导航控件
TVrPieGraph: 2D/3D比例饼图
TVrPercentPie: 百分比饼图
TVrPercentBar: 百分比条形图
TVrHotImage: 显示热点和正常状态的位图图形
TVrLabel: 带有旋转和多种效果的3D标签
TVrBanner: 带有速度和方向控制的滚动位图
TVrDisplay: 可以包含子控件的LCD面板样式控件
TVrAnimate: 使用位图幻灯片的动画图形
TVrGradient: 用于创建多色背景的组件
TVrBorder: 斜切轮廓
TVrDeskTop: 表格背景
TVrHyperLink: WEB链接样式的标签组件
TVrWebLabel: 自动无编码网络连接
TVrBitmapDial: 使用位图幻灯片定位显示的拨号控件
TVrBitmapImage: 带有多种设置的模式位图图形
TVrBitmapList: 用于存储位图的容器组件
TVrBlotter: 带有子控件位置管理的容器控件
TVrSlideShow: 位图转换组件
TVrAnalogClock: LED样式的模拟时钟
TVrCalendar: 用于从单元格选择数字或图像的控件
TVrClock: LCD样式的时间显示器
TVrBitmapCheckBox: 带有位图的多状态复选框
TVrBitmapRadioButton: 带有位图的多状态单选按钮
TVrScanner: 用于显示可以高亮的水平LED行的工具
TVrSpectrum: 用于显示信号集的垂直条
TVrScope: 图形示波器控件
TVrScale: 用于显示规模
TVrDirScan: 用于定位在本地或网络驱动上的文件的非可视化组件
TVrFormShape: 给你的表单添加位图形状
TVrRunOnce: 用于禁用应用程序中的多个实例
TVrThread: 用于简化多线程应用程序的包装器
TVrCopyFile: 文本附件包装器
TVrStringList: 字符串列表容器组件
TVrTrayGauge: 用于在系统托盘中添加进度指示器的组件
TVrTrayIcon: 用于在托盘中添加图标的组件
TVrKeyStatus: 提供数字锁定、大写锁定和滚动锁定状态
TVrWave: 起伏式播放器组件
TMS Instrumentation Workshop is a library full of components, methods and routines enabling you to create professional looking instrumentation and multimedia applications. A set containing over 80 instrumentation and digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized backgrounds and much more.
TVrAnalogClock : analog clock in LCD style
TVrAniButton : animated button using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrAnimate : animated image using a bitmap filmstrip for animation
TVrArrow : arrow shaped button control
TVrAngularMeter : rounded analog meter device
TVrBanner : scrolling bitmap with speed & direction control
TVrBitmapButton : button using bitmap shape
TVrBitmapCheckBox : checkbox with bitmaps for various states
TVrBitmapDial : dial control using bitmap filmstrip for position display
TVrBitmapImage : pattern bitmap image with various settings
TVrBitmapList : container component for holding bitmaps
TVrBitmapRadioButton : radiobutton with bitmaps for various states
TVrBlinkLed : sizeable multi color led with blink capability
TVrBlotter : container control with child control placement management
TVrBorder : beveled outline
TVrCalendar : control for selection of number or images from cells
TVrCheckLed : checkbox with led
TVrClock : timer display in LCD style
TVrCompass : base class needle component
TVrCopyFile : wrapper for file copy
TVrCounter : counter display with customizable number bitmaps
TVrDemoButton : 3D push button with various additional features
TVrDeskTop : wallpaper
TVrDigit : 7 segment LED
TVrDirScan : non visual component for locating files on local or network drives
TVrDisplay : LCD panel styled control that can contain child controls
TVrFormShape : gives your form the shape of a bitmap
TVrGauge : gauge in LCD style
TVrGradient : component for creating multi colored backgrounds
TVrHotImage : image with bitmaps for hot and normal state
TVrHyperButton : web link styled button component
TVrHyperLink : web link styled label component
TVrImageLed : standard LED control
TVrIndicator : horizontal or vertical row of LEDs
TVrJogMeter : rotating meter control
TVrJoyPad : arrow control with customizable direction
TVrKeyPad : numeric keypad for touchscreen applications
TVrKeyStatus : provides Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock state
TVrLabel : 3D label with rotation and various effects
TVrLed : small light bulb control
TVrLevelBar : progress bar with various fill styles
TVrLights : row of green / yellow / red leds
TVrLineMeter : highly configurable meter control with peak values, linear & logarithmic scale
TVrMatrix : single line dot matrix control to display text
TVrMatrixGroup : multi line dot matrix control to display text
TVrMediaButton : push button control with 3D effect
TVrMeter : meter control with needle and scale control
TVrNavigator : multimedia navigator control
TVrNum : displays numeric values in LCD style
TVrNumEdit : single line numeric only edit control
TVrPieGraph : 2D / 3D percentage pie graph
TVrPowerButton : Windows button control with embedded LED
TVrPowerMeter : temperature/progress meter
TVrProgressBar : enhanced progress bar
TVrPercentBar : percent bar graph
TVrPercentPie : percent pie chart graph
TVrRaster : raster of led cells
TVrRocker : light switch styled switch control
TVrRotarySwitch : sizeable rotary switch with switch position labels
TVrRunOnce : disable multiple instances of the application
TVrScale : displays a scale
TVrScanner : tool to display a row of horizontal leds which can be highlighted
TVrScope : graphic oscilloscope control
TVrShadowButton : button with extra shadow effect
TVrShapeBtn : transforms a bitmap in a 3D rendered image
TVrSlider : smooth slider control
TVrSlideShow : bitmap transition component
TVrSpectrum : row of vertical bars to display a collection of signals
TVrSpinner : up/down control
TVrStrEdit : enhanced single line string edit control
TVrStringList : stringlist container component
TVrSwitch : switch component
TVrTank : multi shaped tank control
TVrThermoMeter : thermometer control with peak values, setpoint and linear or logarithmic scale
TVrThread : wrapper for making multithreaded applications easier
TVrTrackBar : trackbar component
TVrTrayGauge : component to add progress indicator in system tray
TVrTrayIcon : component to add icon in tray
TVrUpDown : updown push button control
TVrUserLed : user definable LED control
TVrWave : wave player component
TVrWebLabel : automatic codeless internet link
TVrWheel : rounded progress indicator or knob
更新时间:2018-12-24 16:31:39.000 | 录入时间:2008-03-13 12:57:12.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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