TMS Components for IntraWeb 允许对页面进行充足的设计时间编辑,直接通过 IntraWeb 窗体的 Delphi IDE 。IntraWeb 和 TMS Components for IntraWeb 允许一个特殊的 Delphi 网页应用程序发展 RAD 方法,使得网页开发就像在窗体中拖动组件那样简单。
TMS Components for IntraWeb allows rich design-time editing of webpages from the Delphi IDE directly on IntraWeb forms. IntraWeb and the TMS Components for IntraWeb allow an unprecedented RAD way of web application development with Delphi, making web development as easy as dropping components on a form.
Over 70 components for IntraWeb extending the true Delphi RAD development tool for Web applications including :
- TTIWHTMLLabel, TTIWDBHTMLLabel : labels with HTML formatting
- TTIWDateLabel : date label
- TTIWHTMLRadioGroup : radiogroup with HTML support
- TTIWHTMLCheckBox : checkbox with HTML support
- TTIWHTMLList : list with HTML support
- TTIWCalendar, TTIWDBCalendar : monthcalendar controls
- TTIWDatePicker, TTIWDBDatePicker : datepicker controls
- TTIWDateSelector : date selector control
- TTIWStaticMenu : static menu with hover effect
- TTIWAdvEdit, TTIWDBAdvEdit : advanced edit control
- TTIWAdvLUEdit, TTIWDBAdvLUEdit : advanced lookup edit control
- TTIWEMailEdit : edit control with regular expression validation for email
- TTIWFilePicker : edit control with attached file picker button
- TTIWMainMenu, TTIWSideMenu : dropdown menu controls
- TTIWAdvImage : image with library free design time GIF & JPEG support as well as hover image capability
- TIWFadeImage : image with hover fade effect
- TTIWHotSpotImage : image with client-side ImageMap support for JPEG and GIF files with design time hot spot editor
- TTIWPaintBox : paintbox that renders in a browser allowing to draw on a canvas just like in a Win32 application
- TTIWDateLabel : label showing todays date
- TTIWClock : client side running clock
- TTIWSmartPanel : expanding / collapsing panel
- TTIWScrollPanel : scrolling panel
- TTIWTickerPanel : ticker with optional expanding/collapsing part
- TTIWPersistentEdit : edit control with cookie persistency
- TTIWCountryComboBox, TTIWDBCountryComboBox : combobox with all countries predefined
- TTIWStateComboBox, TTIWDBStateComboBox : combobox with states of USA
- TTIWOutlookBar : outlookbar control for
- TTIWAdvWebGrid, TTIWAdvDetailWebGrid : non data-aware grid control
- TTIWDBAdvWebGrid, TTIWDBAdvDetailWebGrid : data-aware grid control
- TTIWColorPicker : color picker control
- TTIWAdvSpinEdit, TTIWDBAdvSpinEdit : data-aware and not data-aware spin edit controls
- TTIWAdvImageButton : tri-state image based button control
- TTIWPopupMenuButton : button with attached popup menu
- TTIWPopupMenuLabel : label with attached popup menu
- TTIWDocumentPopup : right-click popup menu for document
- TTIWMonthCalendar : month calendar with events per day indication
- TTIWAdvTimeEdit, TTIWDBAdvTimeEdit : edit component specific for entering time values
- TTIWAdvDateEdit, TTIWDBAdvDateEdit : edit component specific for entering date values
- TTIWScrollBarPersistence : component that keeps scrollbar positions persistent between page reloads
- TTIWScrollBarColors : component to control various scrollbar color settings (IE6 only)
- TTIWCheckList : Dropdown checklist group control
- TTIWCCNumEdit : credit card number edit control with client side basic validation
- TTIWCCExpEdit : credit card expiry date edit control with client side basic validation
- TTIWListLink : client side listbox to listbox link
- TTIWComboListLink : client side combobox to listbox link
- TTIWEditLinkLink : client side edit to listbox link
- TTIWGradientLabel : label with gradient background
- TTIWHTMLEdit, TTIWDBHTMLEdit : html editors (IE5.5+ only)
- TTIWClientCode: container for clientside Javascript or CSS code
- TTIWClientDebugOut: component to enable the use of client side OutputDebugString from JavaScript
- TTIWRadioButton: single radio button that can be made part of a radiobutton group through the master button property
- TTIWMultiColumnComboBox component : multi column combobox with lookup and type-ahead
- TTIWHelpTip component : help popup component with formatted text support
- TTIWCalculatingLabel component : client-side calculating label
- TTIWTextAreaLimiter component : multi-line textbox with full client-side length limitation and display
- TTIWAdvToolButton component : Hotmail like button with gradients and glyph support for normal, hovered, pressed states
- TTIWNoSpamEmail component : email hyperlink that cannot be traced by spambots
- TTIWClientWatch component : Javascript OutputDebugString viewer for full client-side code tracing
- TTIWListOrganiser component : allows full client-side reordering of items in a listbox
- TTIWCheckListBox component : checked listbox