本产品包含有50多个可用于Visual Studio .NET 2003、2005以及Borland Delphi for .NET 2005、2006下进行RAD应用程序开发的C# ASP.NET组件。
Over 50 C# ASP.NET components for RAD web application development with Visual Studio .NET 2003, 2005 and Borland Delphi for .NET 2005, 2006.
- New : full support for Microsoft AJAX
(only with Visual Studio .NET 2005 & registered version)
- New : support for using the new .NET 2.0 DataSourceID
- Improved : Visual Studio 2005 DOCTYPE handling in all components
- Improved : cross browser compatibility
- Improved : demos
- Fixes : lots of smaller fixes
- AdvWebGrid
New : DataSourceID added for easier databinding with .NET 2.0
- DetailList
New : DataSourceID added for easier databinding with .NET 2.0
- MultiColumnCombobox
New : DataSourceID added for easier databinding with .NET 2.0
- The TMS Components for ASP.NET allow a real RAD way of web application development with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio 2005, WebMatrix, Delphi for .NET or C#Builder making web development as easy as dropping components on a form.
- Grid
Includes a flexible and highly configurable grid control with lots of built-in options. Extensive control over appearance, various inplace editors, dynamic inplace editing & client-side automatic cell calculations, built-in sorting, ... and much more !
- Various menus, including main menu, side menu, popup menus
- Outlookbar
- Calendar and datepicker
- SideNavBar
- HTML editor (for Internet Explorer and Mozilla)
- Helptip component, shows help for images and or text on the webpage
- Various panels : collapsing, scrolling & tickerpanel
- Various selector components
Complete overview of over 50 components for ASP.NET including :
- AdvEdit
Advanced edit control with various settings to restrict incorrect entries, set controls, keyboard handling, auto tabbing with return and/or up/down keys
- AdvDateEdit
Masked date entry editor.
- AdvImageButton
Tri-state image based button control
- AdvLUEdit
Advanced edit control with built-in type-ahead lookup capability
- AdvSpinEdit
Client-side spin edit controls
- AdvTimeEdit
Masked time entry editor.
- AdvToolButton
Special button with advanced hover/click effects and optional icon
- AdvWebGrid
Highly configurable and feature packed grid control, features dynamic cell calculations, various inplace editors (including comboboxes, numeric input, datepicker), sorting, column headers and footers with server-side or dynamic client-side totals and much
- CalculatingLabel
Label that performs immediate in-browser calculations when user changes values of input-controls
- Calendar
Monthcalendar control with extensive control of appearance & full client side navigation and support for client side extra events
- CCExpEdit
Credit card expiry date edit control with client-side basic validation
- CCNumEdit
Credit card number edit control with client-side basic validation
- CheckListBox
List of Checkboxes with optional "Check All" box
- CheckListDropDown
Combobox-style List of Checkboxes with optional "Check All" box
- ClickOnceButton
Button that prevents users from clicking more than once when submitting info
- ClientButton
Basic Button without server-call
- ClientCode
Container for clientside Javascript, client-side CSS
- ClientDebugOut
Interface to component for sending OutputDebugString from Javascript for easy client-side script debugging
- ClientWatch
Interface to component for sending OutputDebugString from Javascript, in seperate window, for easy client-side script debugging
- Clock
Client-side running clock
- ColorComboBox
Combobox color picker with configurable color selection
- ColorPicker
Color picker control
- ComboListLink
Control for full client-side combobox to listbox transfers
- CountryComboBox
Combobox with all countries predefined
- DateLabel
Client-side date display
- DatePicker
Datepicker control with extensive control of appearance & full client side navigation and support for client side extra events
- DateSelector
Date selector control with configurable selection of day,month,year
- DetailList
Data-aware list of items with expandable detail-box
- DocumentPopupMenu
Document right-click client-side menu
- EditListLink
Control for full client-side edit to listbox transfers
- EMailEdit
Edit control with full client-side regular expression validation for email
- FadeImage
Image with hover fade effect
- FilePicker
Enhanced edit control with attached file picker button with advance on return & key up/down
- GradientLabel
Label with gradient background and optional colored border
- HelpTip
Label with helptip capability, showing a full HTML formatted help on click
- HoverImage
Image with hover image capability
- HTMLEdit
Client side html editors with toolbar
- ListLink
Control for full client-side listbox to listbox transfers
- ListOrganizer
Control for full client-side organizing ability of listbox-items order
- MainMenu
Menu control with extensive control over appearance and client-side events. Features XP look, transparency, gradients, images, checkboxes, backgrounds. Includes design time menu designer.
- MultiColumnComboBox
Combobox with optional multiple columns and typeahead lookup functionality.
- NoSpamEmailLabel
Email link that prevents spambots of getting your email address from a webpage
- OutlookBar
Outlookbar control with lots of options to control appearance
- PersistentEdit
Edit control with automatic built-in cookie persistency
- PopupMenuButton
Button with attached popup menu
- PopupMenuLabel
Label with attached popup menu
- ScrollBarColors
Easy configuration of browser scrollbar appearance
- ScrollBarPersistence
Easy configuration of browser scrollbar position
- ScrollPanel
Scrolling panel
- SideMenu
Vertical version of MainMenu
- SideNavBar
XP style navigation bar with highly configurable panels
- SmartPanel
Expanding / collapsing panel
- StateComboBox
Combobox with all states predefined
- StaticMenu
Static menu with hover effect, gradients, selection, client-side and server side events
- TextAreaLimiter
Textarea control with customisable maximum number of characters, plus display possibilities (chars left, max chars, used chars)
- TickerPanel