Active Query Builder是一款用于Borland Delphi和 C++Builder的数据库查询构建控件集。通过直观简洁的界面创建包含公用体和子查询的复杂SQl查询。
标签:SQL开发商: Active Database
当前版本: v3.2
平台语言:VCL|Activex & COM
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
Active SQL Query Builder是一套可视化查询器组件。帮助用户进行复杂的SQL查询、数据解析、SQL查询结果分析与可视化。Active SQL Query Builder是一个双向的查询器,用户可以将可视化查询创建与SQL查询结果的文本编辑相结合。
Active SQL Query Builder is a visual query builder component suite that allows your end-users to build complex SQL queries, as well as to parse, analyze SQL queries and represent them visually. Active Query Builder is a true two-way query builder, so you may combine visual query building with direct SQL query text editing.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
Active SQL Query Builder的用户界面与MS-Access极其相似,但相较于其他的同类组件来说,Active SQL Query Builder功能更为强大。它允许用户简单直接的定义数据分组,排序以及构建其他条件。用户可以如同创建单一查询一样在其独立工作区内创建联合体以及子查询,甚至还可以通过对查询结构树单次访问即可进入联合体以及子查询。此外,用户还能将其一些诸如DISTICT, TOP, pMIT等的高级查询属性可视化。
Active Query Builder能将用户友好型的查询字段替换为数据库中表和字段中的规范化命名的字段。然后,您的终端客户能可以手动的创建SQL脚本:但在其查询文本中使用的查询字将被自动的替换为生成的查询中真正的字段名。
使用Active Query Builder's SQL Formatter,用户可以用自己喜欢的方式自定义SQL代码的布局。可以通过很多属性的设置自定义查询结果的输出,比如pne breaks, indents 以及 word wrapping等。
用户可以通过Active Query Builder对其SQL查询进行完全的控制—您可以使用内部查询创建器对象轻松的解析与引导SQL查询,还可以可编程的修改SQL查询。
通过Active Query Builder中的相关参数,用户可以知道其名称以及数据类型,甚至与其相关的数据库对象以及字段。
用户有时可能想拒绝用户对数据库中某些字段或者表的访问,以保障其安全性或者绕开对于其的数据库结果来说无关紧要的部分。Active Query Builder能帮助用户轻松的实现这一切。当用户在一个可视化界面中创建一个查询时,可以隐藏住某些不希望被访问的数据库对象或者字段。
完全支持Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, IBM DB2, Informix, Sybase, SQpte 和 ANSI SQL/92, 89 ,2003 SQL语法
我们声称完全支持这些SQL语言,这意味着能解析几乎任何给定数据库服务器中的SQL查询语句,并且在查询修正过程中保存每一查询细节以避免语义损失。Active SQL Parser由升级版的CoCo/R Compiler Generator而来,其完全支持Unicode字符集,故而能正确处理多重嵌套连接以及一些其他SQL语言中的细节部分。
使用Active Query Builder时,其能为用户自动的确定目前使用的数据库服务器,以避免不能提前确定(数据库服务器)的情况。
在很多情况下,在当前安全角度或者对性能来说,对数据的直接访问是不受欢迎或者不可能的,比如在ASP.NET环境中。当面对这种情况时,最方便的解决方法是在脱机模式下使用Active Query Builder,从之前保存的XML文件中加载元数据信息。这种方式几乎能瞬间加载元数据,而无需考虑数据量的多少。
现在,用户可以在Active Query Builder运行时本地化其组件,以及在不同语言间进行切换。
Active Query Builder是一个特别的组件
Active Query Builder并非被设计用于某些内部需求,其是用于满足客户需要的。该组件的开发团队的成员们是一群狂热的程序员,以之展现了其对可视化查询创建的理解。我们将认真考虑您的所有建议与意见,因为我们的目标是尽可能使Active Query Builder成为业内最优秀的工具软件。
Active Query Builder是一个完全的可视化SQL查询创建解决方案!
Building complex SQL queries visually with ease.
The interface of Active SQL Query Builder is similar to MS-Access, but much more powerful compared to other similar components. It allows you to define grouping and sorting, construct criteria in a simple and direct way. Each union and sub-query has its own working area where it could be built visually as easy as single query; you can get access to each union and subquery in one-touch with the query structure tree. The advanced query properties, such as DISTICT, TOP, pMIT, etc., might be set visually as well.
Designing user-friendly query building environment
Active Query Builder allows you to substitute unintelligible names of database objects and fields for user-friendly aliases ("alternate names"). Among changing names of real objects, you may define your own virtual objects (views) and fields. Acting as derived tables ("virtual objects") and sub-queries or expressions ("virtual fields"), they look like an ordinary objects and fields to the end-users. All aliased object names that were used in the query will be substituted back for real names, sub-queries and expressions automatically in the resultant SQL query text.
While building SQL queries with aliased object names visually, the end-users can still edit them by hand. Acitve Query Builder generates two versions of a query: for the end-user and for database server, and it's able to parse both.
Having database without foreign keys, you may add them to the component's metadata repository so tables will be joined automatically when added to a query.
Formatting SQL query text layout.
Using the Active Query Builder's SQL Formatter you can customize SQL code layout the way you pke it. There are a lot of properties that can be used to customize SQL query output, such as pne breaks, indents and word wrapping.
We care about keeping user queries in the same form as they were entered in the SQL query text. None of conditions and options will be lost after parsing of the query because we understand how important they could be in result.
Powerful means of SQL query parsing and analysis.
Active Query Builder gives you full control over the SQL query - you can easily parse SQL queries and navigate them using the internal query builder objects and modify SQL queries programmatically.
Working with parameters in Active Query Builder, you may know their names and data types, and discover to what database objects and fields they are related to.
Restricting access to database objects, preventing query execution
You might want to deny access to certain fields and tables to meet the safety requirements or get rid a user of needless parts of your database structure. Using the Active Query Builder, you can do it easily. Building a query via a visual interface, you can hide undesirable objects and fields of your database.
Abipty to retrieve various information about the query, such as pst of used tables and fields, allows you to prevent execution of unauthorized queries.
Full support of Oracle, SQL Server, MS Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, InterBase, Firebird, IBM DB2, Informix, Sybase, SQpte and ANSI SQL/92, 89 and 2003 dialects SQL syntax.
By claiming full support of these SQL dialects, we mean the possibipty of parsing of almost any vapd SQL query for the given database server and keeping of every single query clause during the query modification process without any losses. Generated from the improved CoCo/R Compiler Generator, Active SQL Parser with full Unicode support correctly handles multiple nested joins and other fine points found in some SQL dialects.
Using Active Query Builder you can determine the currently used database server automatically, in case it cannot be defined in advance.
Working in offpne mode, storing metadata in XML files.
In many cases, direct connection to the database is undesirable or even impossible from the point of view of security or performance, for example in the ASP.NET environment. In this case, the most convenient solution would be to work with Active Query Builder in offpne mode, loading metadata information from a previously saved XML file. It also makes loading metadata almost instant regardless of the number of objects being loaded.
Now it is possible to locapze Active Query Builder completely and to switch between available languages in run-time.
Active Query Builder is a special component.
It wasn't created for some internal needs, it was made to meet customer needs. This component was made by a team of enthusiast programmers to express their vision of the visual query building. All your comments and suggestions will be taken into consideration because we really want to make it the best tool possible.
Active Query Builder is complete solution for visual SQL query building!
更新时间:2017-01-25 16:16:28.000 | 录入时间:2006-12-19 14:55:00.000 | 责任编辑:
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