Aspose.Words for .NET样式处理教程——如何根据样式提取内容
Aspose.Words For .Net是一种高级Word文档处理API,用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务。API支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。此外,API支持所有流行的Word处理文件格式,并允许将Word文档导出或转换为固定布局文件格式和最常用的图像/多媒体格式。
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- 使用Document类打开Word文档。文档中的所有段落和所有运行。
- 仅选择所需的段落和运行。
- hsbystylename——这个方法检索文档中具有特定样式名称的段落的数组。
- RunsByStyleName—此方法检索文档中具有特定样式名称的运行的数组。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // public static ArrayList ParagraphsByStyleName(Document doc, string styleName) { // Create an array to collect paragraphs of the specified style. ArrayList paragraphsWithStyle = new ArrayList(); // Get all paragraphs from the document. NodeCollection paragraphs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true); // Look through all paragraphs to find those with the specified style. foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs) { if (paragraph.ParagraphFormat.Style.Name == styleName) paragraphsWithStyle.Add(paragraph); } return paragraphsWithStyle; }
还需要指出的是,段落集合不会立即产生开销,因为只有当访问段落中的项目时,段落才会被加载到该集合中。然后,我们需要做的就是使用标准的foreach运算符浏览集合,并将具有指定样式的段落添加到paragraphsWithStyle数组中。段落样式名称可以在Paragraph.ParagraphFormat 对象的Style.Name 属性中找到。 尽管我们使用NodeType.Run 检索运行节点,但RunsByStyleName的实现几乎相同。Run 对象的Font.Style 属性用于访问运行节点。下面的示例查找所有以指定样式设置格式的运行。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // public static ArrayList RunsByStyleName(Document doc, string styleName) { // Create an array to collect runs of the specified style. ArrayList runsWithStyle = new ArrayList(); // Get all runs from the document. NodeCollection runs = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Run, true); // Look through all runs to find those with the specified style. foreach (Run run in runs) { if (run.Font.Style.Name == styleName) runsWithStyle.Add(run); } return runsWithStyle; }
// For complete examples and data files, please go to // // The path to the documents directory. string dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithStyles(); string fileName = "TestFile.doc"; // Open the document. Document doc = new Document(dataDir + fileName); // Define style names as they are specified in the Word document. const string paraStyle = "Heading 1"; const string runStyle = "Intense Emphasis"; // Collect paragraphs with defined styles. // Show the number of collected paragraphs and display the text of this paragraphs. ArrayList paragraphs = ParagraphsByStyleName(doc, paraStyle); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Paragraphs with \"{0}\" styles ({1}):", paraStyle, paragraphs.Count)); foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paragraphs) Console.Write(paragraph.ToString(SaveFormat.Text)); // Collect runs with defined styles. // Show the number of collected runs and display the text of this runs. ArrayList runs = RunsByStyleName(doc, runStyle); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("\nRuns with \"{0}\" styles ({1}):", runStyle, runs.Count)); foreach (Run run in runs) Console.WriteLine(run.Range.Text);
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