翻译|使用教程|编辑:杨鹏连|2020-08-06 10:04:03.290|阅读 214 次
概述:Phil Factor提供了功能强大的DOS批处理脚本,当与SQL Compare CLI结合使用时,您可以在开发过程中从源构建数据库,并用测试所需的特定数据集填充它们。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
SQL Compare是一款比较和同步SQL Server数据库结构的工具。现有超过150,000的数据库管理员、开发人员和测试人员在使用它。当测试本地数据库,暂存或激活远程服务器的数据库时,SQL Compare将分配数据库的过程自动化。
假设您需要构建数据库的最新版本,将其存储有测试所需的数据,然后分发该数据库的多个副本。到目前为止,最快,最简单的方法就是使用SQL Clone,尤其是在数据库很大的情况下。或者,使用SQL Toolbelt,则可以从源目录构建五个副本中的每个副本,通过BCP将它们填充到标准测试数据集,然后使用SQL Change Automation和某些PowerShell(或SQL Compare CLI和PowerShell)来部署它们。
但是,显然,仍然有Ops的人更喜欢使用PowerShell而非DOS脚本,因为我最近关于该主题的博客之一令人惊讶地受欢迎。他们熟悉它,并且经常仍然维护着现有DOS脚本的大量存档。我沉思,可以创建一个执行相同功能的DOS批处理脚本吗?没有PowerShell,没有SMO,只有SQL Compare,SQLCMD和BCP。
乍一看,很难想象没有一种比DOS Batch更有前景的脚本语言,尽管它特别适合于文件系统任务。它的根源可以通过CP / M和MSDOS追溯到UNIX。它仍在MSDOS中。这些年来,我不得不多次使用它来执行没有现实选择的任务。令人惊讶的是,它仍然吸引了少量但专注的追随者。有关示例的最新和有趣的集合,请参见“ Rosetta代码:Category:Batch文件”和DosTips – DOS 批处理指南。Rosetta Code网站允许您比较不同语言执行标准算法和任务时的代码。
Echo off VERIFY errors 2>nul SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS Set outcome=did our best if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo could not set local execution environment goto bombsite ) REM set output to yes or no depending on whether you want the source to have its data copied out Set output=yes REM set input to yes or no depending on whether you want the target to have its data copied in Set input=yes Rem set Source to the database you wish to copy Set Source=MySourceDatabase Rem Set SourceServer to the name of the server or instance to copy from Set Sourceserver=MySourceServer Rem set Target to the database you wish to copy to Set Target=TestCopy Rem BEWARE!! It deletes the existing copy of the database Rem Set TargetServer to the name of the server or instance to copy to Set TargetServer=MyDestinationServer REM Specify your work directory. I chose 'BatchBCP' in my user area Set workpath=%userProfile%\BatchBCP Rem Specify a scripts directory for the source if you want one. otherwise put 'none' Set SourceScriptsDirectory=c:\MySQLSourceDirectories\MyDatabase REM before you start, if you need to write out your SQLCMD credentials to a file in your user rem area using code like this, ONLY if you use SQL Server Credentials. Rem echo MyUserID/MyPassword>%userProfile%\%TargetServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt rem echo MyOtherUserID/MyOtherPassword>%userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt Rem if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( Rem echo Could not write Source Credentials REM goto bombsite REM ) rem REM read in your Source SQLCMD command and credentials if you have any if exist %userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt ( Set /p SourceCredentials=<%userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt ) if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo Could not read in Source Credentials goto bombsite ) Rem Parse the source credentials into two variables set "Sourceuid=%SourceCredentials:/=" & set "SourcePw=%" Rem credentials are presented in two different ways by the CLI apps Set SourcesqlcmdCredentials= /U %Sourceuid% /P %SourcePw% Set SourceSQLCompareCredentials= /username1:%Sourceuid% /Password1:%SourcePw% rem set source credentials correctly for windows security IF NOT DEFINED SourceCredentials ( Set SourcesqlcmdCredentials = set SourceSQLCompareCredentials = ) REM read in your Target SQLCMD command and credentials if you have any if exist %userProfile%\%TargetServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt ( Set /p TargetCredentials=<%userProfile%\%TargetServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt ) if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo Could not read in Target Credentials goto bombsite ) Rem Parse the target credentials into two variables set "Targetuid=%TargetCredentials:/=" & set "TargetPw=%" Rem credentials are presented in two different ways by the CLI apps Set TargetsqlcmdCredentials= /U %Targetuid% /P %TargetPw% Set TargetSQLCompareCredentials= /username2:%Targetuid% /Password2:%TargetPw% rem set target credentials orrectly for windows security IF NOT DEFINED TargetCredentials ( Set TargetsqlcmdCredentials = set TargetSQLCompareCredentials = ) Rem Now we check the Target database on the target server to see if it Rem already exists, If so, we delete it and create an empty database Set QUERY= IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sys.databases where NAME LIKE 'testcopy' ) DROP DATABASE TestCopy; CREATE DATABASE TestCopy sqlcmd -S %targetServer% %TargetsqlcmdCredentials% -d master -h -1 -f 65001 -Q "%QUERY%" if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo Failed to use target %targetServer% to create %target%. goto bombsite ) Rem now we synchronize the source with the target to provide a fresh Rem new database at the right level if %SourceScriptsDirectory% == none ( echo synchronizing database %Source% on %sourceServer% with %Target% on %TargetServer% "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Red Gate\SQL Compare 13\sqlcompare.exe" /server1:%sourceServer% /database1:%Source% %SourceSQLCompareCredentials% /server2:%targetServer% /database2:%Target% %TargetSQLCompareCredentials% /Synchronize SET outcome=created database %Target% on %TargetServer% from %Source% on %sourceServer% ) else ( echo synchronizing scripts directory %SourceScriptsDirectory% with %Target% on %TargetServer% "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Red Gate\SQL Compare 13\sqlcompare.exe" /scripts1:%SourceScriptsDirectory% /server2:%targetServer% /database2:%Target% %TargetSQLCompareCredentials% /Synchronize SET outcome=created database %Target% on %TargetServer% from scripts ) if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo An error with SQL Compare occurred. goto bombsite ) REM see the output onscreen while debugging. REM check whether the database directory within the workpath/server directory exists if not exist "%workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%" (md %workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%) if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo An error creating "%workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%" for database occurred goto bombsite ) Echo Copying table data from %SourceServer%.%Source% to "%workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source% " Rem Create the query that brings you the list of tables. This is used for both rem the input and output operations. We can cope with tables that use illegal characters Set QUERY="SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT replace(Quotename(Object_Schema_Name(object_id))+'.'+Quotename(name),' ','--') AS The_Tables FROM sys.tables WHERE is_ms_shipped=0;" Rem only do the next block if the user wants data copied out from the source if %output% == yes ( REM Execute the query and work through the returned list of tables for /F usebackq %%i in (`sqlcmd -S %sourceServer% %SourcesqlcmdCredentials% -d %Source% -h -1 -f 65001 -Q %QUERY%`) do ( rem for every tablespec in the list append the following text .... REM catch the first error caused by the sqlcmd if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo An error ovccured while accessing %SourceServer% to get the list of tables goto bombsite ) Set Tablename= %%i for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("!Tablename!") do set Tablename=%%a Rem correct the name of the table Set Tablename=!Tablename:--= ! REM change a dot for a dash as it isn't legal set filename= !Tablename:.=-! REM trim the filename- well, remove all spaces Set "filename=!filename: =!" echo Copying out data from !Tablename! in database %Source% on server %SourceServer% to !filename!.bcp BCP "!Tablename!" out %workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%\!filename!.bcp -n -d %Source% -S %sourceServer% %SourcesqlcmdCredentials% if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo BCP error when copying out data from !Tablename! in database %Source% on server %SourceServer% goto bombsite ) ) SET outcome=%outcome%, copied out data from %Source% on %SourceServer% ) Rem only do the next block if the user wants data copied out to the target if %Input% == yes ( Echo Copying table data to %TargetServer%.%Target% from "%workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%" REM Execute the query and create the entire SQL Command file that will be executed for /F usebackq %%i in (`sqlcmd -S %TargetServer% %TargetsqlcmdCredentials% -d %Target% -h -1 -f 65001 -Q %QUERY%`) do ( rem for every tablespec in the list append the following text .... REM catch the first error caused by the sqlcmd if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo An error occured while accessing %TargetServer% to get the list of tables goto bombsite ) Set Tablename= %%i for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ("!Tablename!") do set Tablename=%%a Rem correct the name of the table Set Tablename=!Tablename:--= ! REM change a dot for a dash as it isn't legal set filename= !Tablename:.=-! REM trim the filename- well, remove all spaces Set "filename=!filename: =!" echo Copying in data to !Tablename! in database %Target% on server %TargetServer% from %workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%\!filename!.bcp BCP "!Tablename!" in %workpath%\%SourceServer:\=_%\%Source%\!filename!.bcp -n -d %Target% -E -S %TargetServer% %TargetsqlcmdCredentials% if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( echo BCP error when copying in data from !Tablename! in database %target% on server %TargetServer% goto bombsite ) ) SET outcome=%outcome%, copied out data from %Source% on %SourceServer% ) goto end :bombsite Rem This is where the program goes if a problem is detected color 04 Echo Sadly, we failed, though we %outcome%! echo on ENDLOCAL color Exit /b 1 :end REM This is where we go if all ended well. Echo we %outcome% and finished successfully ENDLOCAL echo on Exit /b 0全部测试
除非您要使用Windows登录名进行操作,否则还需要将SQL Server凭据写入一个文件,正如我在源代码中所指出的那样,该文件用于在用户区域根目录中使用的每台服务器。这仅必须执行一次,然后您应该删除代码!我提供了执行此操作的源代码:
REM before you start, if you need to write out your SQLCMD credentials to a file in your user rem area using code like this, ONLY if you use SQL Server Credentials. Rem echo MyUserID/MyPassword>%userProfile%\%TargetServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt rem echo MyOtherUserID/MyOtherPassword>%userProfile%\%SourceServer:\=_%SQLCompare.txt Rem if ERRORLEVEL 1 ( Rem echo Could not write Source Credentials REM goto bombsite REM ) rem只需删除REM关键字,添加您的UserID和凭据,一切都应该很好。执行代码后,不要忘记删除代码。
运行脚本后,您已经包括了BCP OUT操作(output=true),您应该在此处的目录中看到文件:
如果启动SQL数据比较,它将告诉您数据库的两个副本中的数据都相同。SQL Server也会对元数据说同样的话。结论
SQL Prompt:SQL语法提示工具
SQL Toolbelt:Red Gate产品套包
SQL Monitor:SQL Server监控工具