原创|产品更新|编辑:李显亮|2020-08-03 11:29:14.820|阅读 245 次
概述:Aspose.PSD for .Net更新至新版本v20.7,支持LnkE资源,支持britResource(亮度/对比度调整层资源),尝试打开不支持的格式作为图像时更改异常消息,欢迎下载体验。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.PSD for .Net是高级PSD和入门级AI文件格式操作API,允许创建和编辑Photoshop文件,并提供更新图层属性,添加水印,执行图形操作或将一种文件格式转换为另一种文件的功能,没有任何Adobe Photoshop或Adobe Illustrator依赖项。
>>你可以点击这里下载Aspose.PSD for .NET v20.7测试体验
key | 概述 | 类别 |
PSDNET-673 | 支持LnkE资源 | 新功能 |
PSDNET-392 | 支持britResource(亮度/对比度调整层资源) | 新功能 |
PSDNET-629 | 尝试打开不支持的格式作为图像时更改异常消息 | 增强功能 |
PSDNET-594 | 无法保存LayerMask | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-597 | 如果在创建新的图层组后保存PSD文件,则会在文件打开时收到Photoshop警告 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-618 | 剪贴蒙版不适用于该文件夹 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-625 | 无法使用Aspose.PSD for .NET打开文件 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-650 | 将PSD转换为PDF时图像保存失败异常 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-655 | rop操作使PSD图像中的剪切路径无效 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-662 | 尝试使用阴影效果保存特定的PSD文件时出现NullReference异常 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-666 | Aspose.PSD在Image.CanLoad(pdfStream)上返回true | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-676 | 图层无法在生成的PNG中渲染 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-677 | 访问TextData的异常 | Bug修复 |
PSDNET-679 | ImageSaveException关于保存PSD | Bug修复 |
void AssertAreEqual(object expected, object actual) { if (!object.Equals(actual, expected)) { throw new FormatException(string.Format("Actual value {0} are not equal to expected {1}.", actual, expected)); } } object[] Lnk2ResourceSupportCases = new object[] { new object[] { "00af34a0-a90b-674d-a821-73ee508c5479", "rgb8_2x2.png", "png", string.Empty, 0x53, 0d, string.Empty, 7, true, 0x124L, 0x74cL } }; object[] LayeredLnk2ResourceSupportCases = new object[] { new object[] { "69ac1c0d-1b74-fd49-9c7e-34a7aa6299ef", "huset.jpg", "JPEG", string.Empty, 0x9d46, 0d, "xmp.did:0F94B342065B11E395B1FD506DED6B07", 7, true, 0x9E60L, 0xc60cL }, new object[] { "5a7d1965-0eae-b24e-a82f-98c7646424c2", "panama-papers.jpg", "JPEG", string.Empty, 0xF56B, 0d, "xmp.did:BDE940CBF51B11E59D759CDA690663E3", 7, true, 0xF694L, 0x10dd4L }, }; object[] LayeredLnk3ResourceSupportCases = new object[] { new object[] { "2fd7ba52-0221-de4c-bdc4-1210580c6caa", "panama-papers.jpg", "JPEG", string.Empty, 0xF56B, 0d, "xmp.did:BDE940CBF51B11E59D759CDA690663E3", 7, true, 0xF694l, 0x10dd4L }, new object[] { "372d52eb-5825-8743-81a7-b6f32d51323d", "huset.jpg", "JPEG", string.Empty, 0x9d46, 0d, "xmp.did:0F94B342065B11E395B1FD506DED6B07", 7, true, 0x9E60L, 0xc60cL }, }; var basePath = @"PSDNET392_1\"; const string Output = "Output\\"; // Saves the data of a smart object in PSD file to a file. void SaveSmartObjectData(string prefix, string fileName, byte[] data) { var filePath = basePath + prefix + "_" + fileName; using (var container = FileStreamContainer.CreateFileStream(filePath, false)) { container.Write(data); } } // Loads the new data for a smart object in PSD file. byte[] LoadNewData(string fileName) { using (var container = FileStreamContainer.OpenFileStream(basePath + fileName)) { return container.ToBytes(); } } // Gets and sets properties of the PSD Lnk2 / Lnk3 Resource and its liFD data sources in PSD image void ExampleOfLnk2ResourceSupport( string fileName, int dataSourceCount, int length, int newLength, object[] dataSourceExpectedValues) { using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(basePath + fileName)) { Lnk2Resource lnk2Resource = null; foreach (var resource in image.GlobalLayerResources) { lnk2Resource = resource as Lnk2Resource; if (lnk2Resource != null) { AssertAreEqual(lnk2Resource.DataSourceCount, dataSourceCount); AssertAreEqual(lnk2Resource.Length, length); AssertAreEqual(lnk2Resource.IsEmpty, false); for (int i = 0; i < lnk2Resource.DataSourceCount; i++) { LiFdDataSource lifdSource = lnk2Resource[i]; object[] expected = (object[])dataSourceExpectedValues[i]; AssertAreEqual(LinkDataSourceType.liFD, lifdSource.Type); AssertAreEqual(new Guid((string)expected[0]), lifdSource.UniqueId); AssertAreEqual(expected[1], lifdSource.OriginalFileName); AssertAreEqual(expected[2], lifdSource.FileType.TrimEnd(' ')); AssertAreEqual(expected[3], lifdSource.FileCreator.TrimEnd(' ')); AssertAreEqual(expected[4], lifdSource.Data.Length); AssertAreEqual(expected[5], lifdSource.AssetModTime); AssertAreEqual(expected[6], lifdSource.ChildDocId); AssertAreEqual(expected[7], lifdSource.Version); AssertAreEqual((bool)expected[8], lifdSource.HasFileOpenDescriptor); AssertAreEqual(expected[9], lifdSource.Length); if (lifdSource.HasFileOpenDescriptor) { AssertAreEqual(-1, lifdSource.CompId); AssertAreEqual(-1, lifdSource.OriginalCompId); lifdSource.CompId = int.MaxValue; } SaveSmartObjectData( Output + fileName, lifdSource.OriginalFileName, lifdSource.Data); lifdSource.Data = LoadNewData("new_" + lifdSource.OriginalFileName); AssertAreEqual(expected[10], lifdSource.Length); lifdSource.ChildDocId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); lifdSource.AssetModTime = double.MaxValue; lifdSource.FileType = "test"; lifdSource.FileCreator = "me"; } AssertAreEqual(newLength, lnk2Resource.Length); break; } } AssertAreEqual(true, lnk2Resource != null); if (image.BitsPerChannel < 32) // 32 bit per channel saving is not supported yet { image.Save(basePath + Output + fileName, new PsdOptions(image)); } } } // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the PSD Lnk2 Resource and its liFD data sources for 8 bit per channel. ExampleOfLnk2ResourceSupport("rgb8_2x2_embedded_png.psd", 1, 0x12C, 0x0000079c, Lnk2ResourceSupportCases); // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the PSD Lnk3 Resource and its liFD data sources for 32 bit per channel. ExampleOfLnk2ResourceSupport("Layered PSD file smart objects.psd", 2, 0x19504, 0x0001d3e0, LayeredLnk3ResourceSupportCases); // This example demonstrates how to get and set properties of the PSD Lnk2 Resource and its liFD data sources for 16 bit per channel. ExampleOfLnk2ResourceSupport("LayeredSmartObjects16bit.psd", 2, 0x19504, 0x0001d3e0, LayeredLnk2ResourceSupportCases);
string srcFile = "StrokeEffectsSource.psd"; string outputFilePng = "output.png"; using (var psdImage = (PsdImage)Image.Load(srcFile, new PsdLoadOptions() { LoadEffectsResource = true })) { StrokeEffect strokeEffect; IColorFillSettings colorFillSettings; IGradientFillSettings gradientFillSettings; IPatternFillSettings patternFillSettings; // 1. Adds Color fill, at position Inside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[1].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color); strokeEffect.Size = 7; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside; colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings; colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green; // 2. Adds Color fill, at position Outside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[2].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color); strokeEffect.Size = 7; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside; colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings; colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green; // 3. Adds Color fill, at position Center strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[3].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Color); strokeEffect.Size = 7; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center; colorFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IColorFillSettings; colorFillSettings.Color = Color.Green; // 4. Adds Gradient fill, at position Inside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[4].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient); strokeEffect.Size = 5; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside; gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings; gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = false; gradientFillSettings.Angle = 90; // 5. Adds Gradient fill, at position Outside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[5].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient); strokeEffect.Size = 5; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside; gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings; gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = true; gradientFillSettings.Angle = 90; // 6. Adds Gradient fill, at position Center strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[6].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Gradient); strokeEffect.Size = 5; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center; gradientFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IGradientFillSettings; gradientFillSettings.AlignWithLayer = true; gradientFillSettings.Angle = 0; // 7. Adds Pattern fill, at position Inside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[7].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern); strokeEffect.Size = 5; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Inside; patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings; patternFillSettings.Scale = 200; // 8. Adds Pattern fill, at position Outside strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[8].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern); strokeEffect.Size = 10; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Outside; patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings; patternFillSettings.Scale = 100; // 9. Adds Pattern fill, at position Center strokeEffect = psdImage.Layers[9].BlendingOptions.AddStroke(FillType.Pattern); strokeEffect.Size = 10; strokeEffect.Position = StrokePosition.Center; patternFillSettings = strokeEffect.FillSettings as IPatternFillSettings; patternFillSettings.Scale = 75; psdImage.Save(outputFilePng, new PngOptions()); }
var filesList = new string[] { "BmpExample.bmp", "GifExample.gif", "Jpeg2000Example.jpf", "JpegExample.jpg", "PngExample.png", "TiffExample.tif", }; var expectedExceptionMessage = @"Cannot open an image. The image file format may be not supported at the moment or cannot be opened in such way. If you try to add Layer, please Open File as a Stream and use AddLayer method instead. Check the documentation //docs.aspose.com/display/psdnet/Add+Layer+to+PSD"; foreach (var filePath in filesList) { try { using (var image = Image.Load(filePath)) { } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException == null || !string.Equals(e.InnerException.Message, expectedExceptionMessage, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw e; } } }