【更新】VCL界面控件DevExpress VCL Controls发布v18.2.5|附下载
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概述:VCL界面控件DevExpress VCL Controls发布v18.2.5,新版本试用已上传,欢迎下载!
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。
【适用范围】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle
ExpressBars Suite
- - Ribbon - TdxRibbonGalleryItem - The gallery does not update its content on switching a filter option if the gallery size isn't changed
- - Starting a drag operation over a bar button whose RepeatClick property is set to True, ending the operation outside the active bar control, and then quickly clicking the bar button again causes an exception
- - The Customize dialog does not display a dropdown button for a large bar button whose ButtonStyle property is set to bsDropDown
- - Toolbars embedded in the TdxBarDockControl component are rearranged at runtime
ExpressDocking Library
- - A floating dock panel's left and/or top edge is not shown when the panel is maximized and dragged between monitors with different DPI values
ExpressEditors Library
- - An AV occurs on calling the cxDrawRichEdit function whose optional ScaleFactor parameter is omitted or set to nil
- - An in-place cxRichEdit editor wraps the cell content if the Properties.WordWrap property is set to False
- - cxLabel - An editor truncates its growing caption and displays an ellipsis instead of automatic label width increase if both the AutoSize and Properties.ShowEndEllipsis properties are True
- - cxTextEdit - The Ctrl+A key combination sets the EditModified property to True
- - TcxCustomComboBox and descendants - An AV occurs when the Style.LookAndFeel.ScrollbarMode property is set to a value that does not match the setting specified via the TcxDefaultEditStyleController component
- - TcxCustomTextEdit and descendants - It is impossible to enter a decimal separator into an editor with a negative edit value in a 64-bit application built with RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
- - The EVariantTypeCastError exception occurs when the OnValidate event handler returns the Null Variant value as the DisplayValue var parameter
ExpressExport Library
- - Export - ExportGridDataTo~ procedures apply the background color from the control's look & feel settings to the exported cell content
ExpressLayout Control
- - An AV occurs on calling a layout item's PutIntoHiddenGroup function
- - The "List index out of bounds" exception occurs on pressing the Tab key to navigate between tabbed layout groups if the OptionsItem.AutoControlTabOrders property is False
- - SVG Images - The "Invalid operation in GDI+ (Code 3)" exception occurs on painting an image with a zero length gradient
- - TdxScreenTipRepository - A ScreenTip's width is not scaled based on a DPI value
- - Unloading a DLL built without runtime packages causes an AV if the DLL includes a TcxGrid control whose TcxGridTableOptionsView.HeaderFilterButtonShowMode is fbmSmartTag or fbmDefault if TouchMode is disabled
- - A page stops rendering its content on reading an unmasked inline image
- - An image copied to the clipboard is cropped to fit it into page margins
- - The "Argument out of range" exception occurs on loading a document including a "Pages" node whose "Type" field is blank
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
- - Advanced Customization Form - Glyphs located next to area labels provide context menus
- - Export to XLS or XLSX - The cxExportPivotGridDataToExcel procedure does not export data field headers if no column fields are displayed
- - Memory leaks on closing an application whose MDI child window displays the pivot grid and its Customization Form
ExpressPrinting System
- - An AV occurs on an attempt to retrieve settings of a disabled network printer in certain cases
- - PDF Export - The footer/header text is cropped if system DPI exceeds 120
- - Spreadsheet report links - A report link associated with the TdxSpreadSheet control always implicitly includes the dxSpreadSheetReportDesigner unit into an application project
- - TdxGridReportLink - A printed grid column with the RichEdit properties ignores the Grid View's OptionsView.CellAutoHeight property value
- - TdxGridReportLink - An AV occurs on building a report with an empty cell in a grid column with the RichEdit properties
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
- - Master-Detail - In Grid mode, a detail View whose DataController.DetailKeyFieldNames or DataController.MasterKeyFieldNames property is set to an empty string does not load data
- - Table and Banded Table Views - The mouse wheel scrolls data records while an in-place cell editor is active if the "Scroll inactive windows when I hover over them" mouse option is disabled under Windows 10
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
- - The content cannot be scrolled in a tree list whose OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is set to True if an in-place editor is currently active
ExpressRichEdit Control
- - 32-bit Clang-enhanced C++ compilers cannot compile the Rich Edit control's units in RAD Studio 10.3 Rio
ExpressScheduler Suite
- - Switching the current time zone using the OptionsView.CurrentTimeZone property doesn't reposition events
- - The "H2164 Variable 'XXX' is declared but never used in 'TcxSchedulerExternalSkinPainter.DrawShadow'" hint is displayed when compiling the dxSkinscxSchedulerPainter unit
- - Weeks View - A weeklong range cannot be selected in TdxRangeControl linked to the scheduler whose ViewWeek.CanShow property is set to False
ExpressSkins Library
- - A gallery item caption blends with the background if the "TheBezier" skin is applied and one of its dark-colored themes is in effect
- - An AV occurs on an attempt to click a cell to add or change a cell reference within an active in-place cell editor if the editor is outside the visible worksheet area
- - An Esc key press closes a modal form with a spreadsheet control on it instead of an in-place editor or its AutoComplete dropdown window if the form has a button whose Cancel property is True
- - Memory corruption can occur on parsing a custom cell formatting pattern with a date and/or time macro
- - Page Setup dialog - The localized dialog displays scrollbars if the monitor DPI exceeds 96
- - Text in a confirmation message box invoked by the SetPrintArea command (TAction object) for a single selected cell cannot be localized
- - The "Out of resources" exception occurs on an attempt to select an entire row or column if the system color depth is less than 24-bit
- - The control does not paint the selection rectangle created after another selection rectangle whose either absolute dimension exceeds 32000 pixels
- - The custom text color applied to an RTF-formatted cell content changes to the default color on invoking an in-place cell editor
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
- - A click on a cell editor's horizontal edge discards the changes if the OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is set to True
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