原创|产品更新|编辑:黄竹雯|2019-02-11 09:54:31.000|阅读 293 次
概述:Word功能开发控件Aspose.Words for .Net更新至19.2。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
Aspose.Words无需Microsoft Word 也可在任何平台上满足Word文档的一切操作需求。2019年2月Aspose.Words发布v19.2,以下是v19.2更新说明:
核心 | 概述 | 类别 |
WORDSNET-14532 | 改进字体替换API | 新增功能 |
WORDSNET-16111 | LINQ报告中的错误处理 | 新增功能 |
WORDSNET-15203 | 当LINQ报告语法不正确时,添加更多有用的异常消息 | 新增功能 |
WORDSNET-17047 | ActiveX控件渲染//保存为PDF时,单选按钮呈锯齿状 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17725 | 从HTML导入后,Border的宽度为零 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-11331 | 从DOCX转换为DOC/PDF出现空行 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17405 | 文本将呈现到下一页 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-14851 | PDF中的布局与WORD文档中的布局不同 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-15008 | 表格内容与页脚重叠,不会转到PDF格式的下一页 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-16413 | 内容控件在输出PDF中显示在下一个 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17532 | 单元格中断包含在下一页 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-13756 | 为ReportingEngine.BuildReport抛出有意义的异常 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17950 | 从Aspose.Words.Tests中提取常用测试代码 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17809 | ReportingEngine.buildReport抛出java.lang.IllegalStateException | 增强 |
WORDSNET-17404 | 内容将下推到输出PDF中的下一页 | 增强 |
WORDSNET-18018 | DOC / X到PDF - 消耗大量内存并占用太多时间 | 性能 |
WORDSNET-17911 | 加载大ODT文件会占用太多时间 | 性能 |
... | ... | ... |
这里列出了Aspose.Words 19.2中引入的公共API更改。它不仅包括新的和过时的公共方法,还包括对Aspose.Words中幕后行为的任何变化的描述,这可能会影响现有代码。引入的任何行为都可以被可能修改现有行为,这一点尤为重要,并在此处进行了说明。
public class FontSettings { ////// Settings related to font substitution mechanism. /// public FontSubstitutionSettings SubstitutionSettings { get; } [Obsolete("This property is obsolete. Please use SubstitutionSettings.DefaultFontSubstitution instead.")] public string DefaultFontName { get; set; } [Obsolete("This property is obsolete. Please use SubstitutionSettings.FontInfoSubstitution instead.")] public bool EnableFontSubstitution { get; set; } [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Please use SubstitutionSettings.TableSubstitution instead.")] public string[] GetFontSubstitutes(string originalFontName); [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Please use SubstitutionSettings.TableSubstitution instead.")] public void SetFontSubstitutes(string originalFontName, params string[] substituteFontNames); [Obsolete("This method is obsolete. Please use SubstitutionSettings.TableSubstitution instead.")] public void AddFontSubstitutes(string originalFontName, params string[] substituteFontNames); } ////// Specifies font substitution mechanism settings. /// ////// public class FontSubstitutionSettings { ////// Font substitution process consists of several rules which are checked one by one in specific order. /// If the first rule can't resolve the font then second rule is checked and so on. ///The order of the rules is following: /// 1. Font config substitution rule (disabled by default) /// 2. Table substitution rule (enabled by default) /// 3. Font info substitution rule (enabled by default) /// 4. Default font rule (enabled by default) /// ////// Note that font info substitution rule will always resolve the font if ///is available /// and will override the default font rule. If you want to use the default font rule then you should disable the /// font info substitution rule. /// /// Note that font config substitution rule will resolve the font in most cases and thus overrides all other rules. /// ////// Settings related to table substitution rule. /// public TableSubstitutionRule TableSubstitution { get; } ////// Settings related to font info substitution rule. /// public FontInfoSubstitutionRule FontInfoSubstitution { get; } ////// Settings related to default font substitution rule. /// public DefaultFontSubstitutionRule DefaultFontSubstitution { get; } ////// Settings related to font config substitution rule. /// public FontConfigSubstitutionRule FontConfigSubstitution { get; } } ////// This is an abstract base class for the font substitution rule. /// public abstract class FontSubstitutionRule { ////// Specifies whether the rule is enabled or not. /// public bool Enabled { get; set; } } ////// Font config substitution rule. /// ////// public class FontConfigSubstitutionRule : FontSubstitutionRule { ////// This rule uses fontconfig utility on Linux (and other Unix-like) platforms to get the substitution /// if the original font is not available. /// ////// If fontconfig utility is not available then this rule will be ignored. /// ////// Check if fontconfig utility is available or not. /// public bool IsFontConfigAvailable(); ////// Resets the cache of fontconfig calling results. /// public void ResetCache(); } ////// Table font substitution rule. /// ////// This rule defines the list of substitute font names to be used if the original font is not available. /// Substitutes will be checked for the font name and the public class TableSubstitutionRule : FontSubstitutionRule { ///(if any). /// /// Loads table substitution settings from XML file. /// /// Input file name. public void Load(string fileName); ////// Loads table substitution settings from XML stream. /// /// Input stream. public void Load(Stream stream); ////// Loads predefined table substitution settings for Windows platform. /// public void LoadWindowsSettings(); ////// Loads predefined table substitution settings for Linux platform. /// public void LoadLinuxSettings(); ////// Saves the current table substitution settings to file. /// /// Output file name. public void Save(string fileName); ////// Saves the current table substitution settings to stream. /// /// Output stream. public void Save(Stream outputStream); ////// Returns array containing substitute font names for the specified original font name. /// /// Original font name. ///List of alternative font names. public IEnumerableGetSubstitutes(string originalFontName); /// /// Override substitute font names for given original font name. /// /// Original font name. /// List of alternative font names. public void SetSubstitutes(string originalFontName, IEnumerablesubstituteFontNames); /// /// Override substitute font names for given original font name. /// /// Original font name. /// List of alternative font names. public void SetSubstitutes(string originalFontName, params string[] substituteFontNames); ////// Adds substitute font names for given original font name. /// /// Original font name. /// List of alternative font names. public void AddSubstitutes(string originalFontName, IEnumerablesubstituteFontNames); /// /// Adds substitute font names for given original font name. /// /// Original font name. /// List of alternative font names. public void AddSubstitutes(string originalFontName, params string[] substituteFontNames); } ////// Font info substitution rule. /// ////// According to this rule Aspose.Words evaluates all the related fields in public class FontInfoSubstitutionRule : FontSubstitutionRule { } ///(Panose, Sig etc) for /// the missing font and finds the closest match among the available font sources. If is not /// available for the missing font then nothing will be done. /// /// Default font substitution rule. /// ////// This rule defines single default font name to be used for substitution if the original font is not available. /// public class DefaultFontSubstitutionRule : FontSubstitutionRule { ////// Gets or sets the default font name. /// ////// public string DefaultFontName { get; set; } }The default value is 'Times New Roman'. ///
// Specifies whether to output headers and footers when exporting in plain text format. // Default value is true. public bool ExportHeadersFooters