DevExpress VCL Controls是 Devexpress公司旗下最老牌的用户界面套包。所包含的控件有:数据录入,图表,数据分析,导航,布局,网格,日程管理,样式,打印和工作流等,让您快速开发出完美、强大的VCL应用程序!DevExpress广泛应用于ECM企业内容管理、 成本管控、进程监督、生产调度,在企业/政务信息化管理中占据一席重要之地。
【适用范围】:Delphi / C++Builder XE2 / XE3 / XE4 / XE5 / XE6 / XE7 / XE8 / XE10 , Embarcadero Delphi , C++Builder 10 Seattle
ExpressBars Suite
- - Ribbon Form - A form maximized on a monitor is also partially visible on another monitor if the DisableAero property is True and the first monitor's DPI exceeds the system DPI
ExpressEditors Library
- - A glyph of the last visible gallery item created at runtime becomes invisible after calling the glyph's Scale procedure if the gallery shows a classic scrollbar
- - TcxDBTimeEdit - An exception occurs on appending a record to a dataset after changing a value in its field bound to the unfocused editor
ExpressLayout Control
- - The transparent background is incorrectly painted for controls embedded into tabbed groups after displaying a window within the layout control's BeginUpdate/EndUpdate method block if runtime themes are enabled
- - SVG Images - The "fill-opacity" element attributes are ignored
- - SVG Images - The "path" elements that include Bezier curves can be incorrectly rasterized in certain cases
- - TcxImageList - A PNG image loaded into an image list at design time is automatically converted to BMP even if both the image and the image list have identical dimensions
- - Images whose stencil mask's pixel format is wrong are rendered incorrectly
- - Text rendering routines calculate font glyph indexes incorrectly for built-in TrueType fonts in certain cases
ExpressPrinting System
- - Export to PDF - The "Out of Memory" exception occurs on exporting text if it is within a rectangle that has a zero or negative width or height
- - Grid Report Link - Banded Table View - The height of a footer containing a summary cell is calculated incorrectly if cells within a corresponding column are at least two rows in height
- - Scheduler Report Link - Modern Style - All events that show descriptions, except for day header events, omit the event location text
- - Spreadsheet Report Link - An AV occurs on creating a report that has an RTF string in its first row if the ssovRowAndColumnHeadings flag is not set in the OptionsView property value
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