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概述:本教程整理了VectorDraw 最常见问题,教程整理的很齐全,非常适合新手学习,希望对大家有一定的帮助!
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
VectorDraw Developer Framework(VDF)是一个用于应用程序可视化的图形引擎库。有了VDF提供的功能,您可以轻松地创建、编辑、管理、输出、输入和打印2D和3D图形文件。该库还支持许多矢量和栅格输入和输出格式,包括本地PDF和SVG导出。
【VectorDraw Developer Framework最新版下载】
VectorDraw web library (javascript)是一个矢量图形库。VectorDraw web library (javascript)不仅能打开CAD图纸,而且能显示任何支持HTML5标准平台上的通用矢量对象,如Windows,安卓,iOS和Linux。无需任何安装,VectorDraw web library (javascript)就可以运行在任何支持canvas标签和Javascript的主流浏览器(Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Dolphin, Boat等等)中。
【VectorDraw web library (javascript)最新版下载】
一. 在包装器组件中使用新对象和功能
答:包装器组件是一个COM ActiveX,可以在vd6和c ++ 6等环境中使用。我们已经实现了.tlb文件,这些文件可以添加到项目的引用中,并且可以为您的应用程序提供新组件的功能。
对于这个实现,我们导入了VectorDraw.Geometry .tlb,VectorDraw.Professional.tlb以及vdrawi5.tlb
Private Sub Command1_Click() 'Get the document interface of VectorDraw FrameWork Dim doc As VectorDraw_Professional.vdDocument Set doc = VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject 'Create a new Mtext object with VDF Interfaces Dim mtext As VectorDraw_Professional.vdMText Set mtext = New VectorDraw_Professional.vdMText 'typecast the Mtext as vdbaseObject Dim baseobj As VectorDraw_Professional.vdBaseObject Set baseobj = mtext baseobj.SetUnRegisterDocument doc 'typecast the Mtext as vdPrimary Dim primary As VectorDraw_Professional.vdPrimary Set primary = mtext primary.setDocumentDefaults 'Create a gPoint object Dim pt As VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoint Set pt = New VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoint pt.SetValue 2, 3, 0 'set values in some properties of mtext mtext.TextString = "VectorDraw Mtext using VDF Interfaces" Set mtext.InsertionPoint = pt mtext.BoxWidth = 12 mtext.Height = 1# 'typecast the Mtext as vdFigure Dim fig As VectorDraw_Professional.vdFigure Set fig = mtext 'add mtext in the collection entities table doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem fig primary.Update fig.Invalidate VDraw1.CommandAction.Zoom "e", 0, 0 End Sub
C ++代码示例:
void Cvd6WrapperDlg::OnBnClickedMtext() { //Get the document interface of VectorDraw FrameWork VectorDraw_Professional::IvdDocumentPtr doc = m_vdraw.GetActiveDocument().GetWrapperObject(); //Create a new Mtext object with VectorDraw FrameWork Interfaces VectorDraw_Professional::IvdMTextPtr mtext(__uuidof(VectorDraw_Professional::vdMText)); //typecast the Mtext as vdbaseObject VectorDraw_Professional::IvdBaseObjectPtr baseobj = (VectorDraw_Professional::IvdBaseObjectPtr)mtext; baseobj->SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); //typecast the Mtext as vdPrimary VectorDraw_Professional::IvdPrimaryPtr primary = (VectorDraw_Professional::IvdPrimaryPtr)mtext; primary->setDocumentDefaults(); //Create a gPoint object; VectorDraw_Geometry::IgPointPtr pt(__uuidof(VectorDraw_Geometry::gPoint)); pt->SetValue(2,3,0); //set values in some properties of mtext mtext->PutRefInsertionPoint(pt); mtext->PutTextString("Vectordraw Mtext using VectorDrawFramework Interfaces"); mtext->PutBoxWidth(12); mtext->PutHeight(1.0); //typecast the Mtext as vdFigure VectorDraw_Professional::IvdFigurePtr figure = (VectorDraw_Professional::IvdFigurePtr)mtext; //add mtext in the collection entities table doc->ActiveLayOut->Entities->AddItem(figure); primary->Update(); figure->Invalidate(); m_vdraw.GetCommandAction().Zoom(COleVariant(_T("e")),COleVariant(),COleVariant()); }
Delphi 7代码示例:
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, SHDocVw, AxCtrls, OleCtrls, VDrawLib5_TLB, VDrawI5_TLB, VectorDraw_Professional_TLB, VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var mtext : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdMText; pt : VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.Igpoint; doc : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; primary : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; baseobject : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; begin doc := vdrawpro.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; pt := VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.CogPoint.Create(); pt.SetValue(2,3,0); mtext := VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.CovdMText.Create(); baseobject := mtext as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; baseobject.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); primary:=mtext as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; primary.setDocumentDefaults(); mtext.TextString := 'VectorDraw Mtext using VDF Interfaces'; mtext.InsertionPoint := pt; mtext.BoxWidth := 12; mtext.Height := 1; doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem(mtext as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure); vdrawpro.CommandAction.Zoom('E',0,0); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var vdGPts : VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.Igpoints; doc : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; primary : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; baseobject : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; vdGPt : VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.Igpoint; GS : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdGroundSurface; I : integer; begin vdraw1.DisplayFrames:=63; vdraw1.StatusBar:=true; vdraw1.StatusBarMenu:=true; vdraw1.EnableAutoGripOn:=true; doc := vdraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; vdGPts := VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.CogPoints.Create(); for I:=1 to 8 do // create a ground sourface from 8 points begin vdGPt := VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.CogPoint.Create(); vdGPts.Add(vdGpt); end; vdGPTs.Item[0].SetValue(2,3,0); vdGPTs.Item[1].SetValue(2,5,1); vdGPTs.Item[2].SetValue(4,5,1.5); vdGPTs.Item[3].SetValue(4,3,1); vdGPTs.Item[4].SetValue(7,3,2); vdGPTs.Item[5].SetValue(7,5,0.5); vdGPTs.Item[6].SetValue(9,3,0.3); vdGPTs.Item[7].SetValue(9,5,0.5); GS := VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.CovdGroundSurface.Create(); baseobject := GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; baseobject.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); primary:=GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; primary.setDocumentDefaults(); GS.Points := vdGPts; GS.MeshSize := 0.1; GS.DispMode := DisplayMode_Mesh;//DisplayMode_Triangle; doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem(GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure); vdraw1.CommandAction.View3D('VISE'); vdraw1.CommandAction.Zoom('E',0,0); end;
二. 计算用户在3D中单击多边形的点
Important Functions Used : Intersection3DSegmentPlane,PointInTriangle, CalculateExtrution can be found in VectorDraw.Geometry.Globals. private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { vdDocument doc = vdFramedControl1.BaseControl.ActiveDocument; gPoint userpt = null; //Get a point from the user VectorDraw.Actions.StatusCode s= doc.ActionUtility.getUserPointDCS(out userpt); if (s == VectorDraw.Actions.StatusCode.Success) { //Find the polyface the user clicked. gPoint tmppt = doc.View2PixelMatrix.Transform(userpt); Point screenpt = new Point((int)tmppt.x, (int)tmppt.y); //This function it is recommended not to go to the Mouse Down event(it might slow down your application) //It is recommended to create a button function to do this like this one. vdEntities ents = doc.Select3d(screenpt, doc.GlobalRenderProperties.PickSize); if (ents.Count != 0) { vdPolyface polyface = ents[0] as vdPolyface; if (polyface != null) { //Calculate the biggest z value of the polyface. double val = 0.0; foreach (gPoint var in polyface.VertexList) { if (val < var.z) val = var.z; } //Calculate the line that starts from the point that the user clicked and goes "inside the screen" to intersect the face. gPoint world = doc.View2WorldMatrix.Transform(userpt); gPoint linept1 = world - (val * 10.0) * doc.ActiveLayOut.ViewDir; gPoint linept2 = world + (val*10.0)*doc.ActiveLayOut.ViewDir; gPoints FoundPoints = new gPoints(); int count = 1; foreach (int var in polyface.FaceList) { count++; if (count % 5 == 0) { //4 points of the face. gPoint pt1 = polyface.VertexList[polyface.FaceList[count - 5] - 1]; gPoint pt2 = polyface.VertexList[polyface.FaceList[count - 4] - 1]; gPoint pt3 = polyface.VertexList[polyface.FaceList[count - 3] - 1]; gPoint pt4 = polyface.VertexList[polyface.FaceList[count - 2] - 1]; //Calculate the perpedicular vector of the plane of the face. Vector v = new Vector(); v.CalculateExtrution(pt1, pt2,pt3); //Calculate the intersection point of the plane with the above calculated line gPoint ret1 = new gPoint(); int j = VectorDraw.Geometry.Globals.Intersection3DSegmentPlane(linept1, linept2, v, pt1, out ret1); if (j != 0) { bool triangle1 = VectorDraw.Geometry.Globals.PointInTriangle(doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform (ret1),doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform ( pt1), doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform (pt2), doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform (pt3)); bool triangle2 = VectorDraw.Geometry.Globals.PointInTriangle(doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform (ret1),doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform ( pt1),doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform ( pt3), doc.World2ViewMatrix.Transform (pt4)); if (triangle1 || triangle2) //If the point belongs to any of the triangles then belongs to the face. { //Add the found point to this list. FoundPoints.Add(ret1); } } } } //Debug Add a vdPoint for each point found. foreach (gPoint var in FoundPoints) { vdPoint vdpt = new vdPoint(); vdpt.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); vdpt.setDocumentDefaults(); vdpt.PenColor.ColorIndex = 2; vdpt.InsertionPoint = var; doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.AddItem(vdpt); vdpt.Invalidate(); } //This is for debug purposes we will add the calculated line and the Found Point. vdLine line = new vdLine(linept1, linept2); line.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); line.setDocumentDefaults(); line.PenColor.ColorIndex = 0; doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.AddItem(line); line.Invalidate(); //Now we will choose the point that has the less distance from linept2 int index = 0; int indexFound = 0; double dist = linept1.Distance3D(linept2); //We start from the biggest distance foreach (gPoint var in FoundPoints) { double dist1 = var.Distance3D(linept2); if (dist1 < dist) { indexFound = index; dist = dist1; } index++; } //Add the Found point with different color. vdPoint vdpt1 = new vdPoint(); vdpt1.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); vdpt1.setDocumentDefaults(); vdpt1.PenColor.ColorIndex = 3; vdpt1.InsertionPoint = FoundPoints[indexFound]; doc.ActiveLayOut.Entities.AddItem(vdpt1); vdpt1.Invalidate(); } } } }