图表制作工具TeeChart Pro VCL发布2013版本 支持 RAD Studio XE4
原创|产品更新|编辑:郝浩|2013-05-29 14:25:37.000|阅读
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概述:TeeChart Pro VCL是一款主流的图表制作工具。自1997年以来,它的发展经历了与用户的需求反馈不断交互以及不断创新的过程。现在TeeChart Pro VCL升级到了2013版本,此版本支持 RAD Studio XE4,并且有大量改进和bug修复。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
TeeChart Pro VCL是一款主流的图表制作工具。自1997年以来,它的发展经历了与用户的需求反馈不断交互以及不断创新的过程。现在TeeChart Pro VCL升级到了2013版本,此版本支持 RAD Studio XE4,并且有大量改进和bug修复,接下来就让我们进一步了解更新内容吧。
New Features
完全支持RAD Studio XE4
ICircledSeries Circled默认属性变更,从False变更为True,(Pie,Donut,等)
新的 IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice 布尔运算属性,默认为False
自定义图表主题:通过 New TThemesList.Apply可将任意 TeeChart 或者 *.tee file做成主题在其他图表中运用
Firemonkey and VCL with GDI+ canvas :所有梯度工具现在支持各种颜色,支持每种颜色透明度(阿尔法混合)调整
Firemonkey: Implemented TTeeCanvas GetPixel and SetPixel methods (Pixels[X,Y] property)
New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue which includes: Label, Percent, and Value
TCursorTool now snaps to the Z position of the points when lined to a 3D series
Predefined color palettes support multiple custom colors
Default series color (clTeeColor) can be used as a series color via series editors
所有新建的图表默认GDI+ canvas
New 3D -> Render tab in the chart editor to choose which canvas to be used: GDI, GDI+ or OpenGL
TPieSeries rendering improved using floating point arcs instead of integers among other enhancements and bug fixes
TNearestTool.Distance property. Sets the maximum allowed distance from mouse cursor to series points to paint the tool (0 = any distance)
New TNearestTool.Hint and HintStyle properties and OnGetHint event
新iOS 画板
Improved Ellipse rendering using floating point calculations instead of integers where appliable
New TChartPen.Fill property (type TBrush). Only available in Firemonkey
New property at TCustomSeries: Line, Area, Point and all derived from them), and TFastLineSeries. Series1.ClickTolerance, indicates the number of pixels around lines to consider "clicked". Default is zero, which is current behavior
Pie Slice tool now works with multiple pie series in a chart now
Shadow in TPieSeries didn't plot correctly. Fixed
Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart editor produced an Access Violation error. Fixed
Fixed resource leak when creating / saving more than 2500 JPEGs
Pie series not rendering correctly in GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed
"Close" button in chart editor not visible after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed
ApplyBright function makes the AnnotationTool to be drawn incorrectly in FMX. Fixed
Support for C++ Builder 5, C++ Builder 6, Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 2005 and BDS 2006 has been discontinued from this release
"Grid index out of range" error when adding a Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed
Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color don't work fine. Fixed
Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save the state of the axes. Fixed
Renamed TeeProcs "ColorPalette" global array variable, to "TeeColorPalette"
TAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly
Clicked function for TAreaSeries with Stairs doesn't work well. Fixed
Missing binary packages and libraries for C++ Builder 64-bit. Fixed
TAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly
Clicked function for TBarSeries in 3D doesn't work fine. Fixed
Null points drawn incorrectly in TFastLineSeries with stairs. Fixed
TEquiVolumeSeries improved, several bug-fixes and enhancements
Grid lines in TSmithSeries were not displayed at all with GDI+ canvas. Fixed
Series Marks RoundSize (RoundRectangle), was wrongly positioned using OpenGL canvas