TeeChart Pro ActiveX控件发布v2013.0.1.0版本
原创|产品更新|编辑:郝浩|2013-05-28 11:48:10.000|阅读
395 次
好消息TeeChart Pro ActiveX更新 v2013.0.1.0版本了。TeeChart Pro ActiveX是一个图表控件,适用于可识别ActiveX编程环境——如:MicroSoft Office,VB,VC++,ASP以及Visual Studio.NET等等。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
好消息TeeChart Pro ActiveX更新 v2013.0.1.0版本了。TeeChart Pro ActiveX是一个图表控件,适用于可识别ActiveX编程环境——如:MicroSoft Office,VB,VC++,ASP以及Visual Studio.NET等等。此次更新有大量改进和Bug修复,还增加了一些新功能。最值得关注的是它支持新的Metro和IOS,可以访问ITChart.Themes属性,在TeeMapsMemo下的一些bug也修复了。相信经过v2013.0.1.0版本的更新TeeChart Pro ActiveX 控件的用户体验度会大幅提升。下面是此次更新的具体内容:
New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue,包括标签,百分数和值
ICircledSeries Circled默认属性变更,从False变更为True。(Pie,Donut,等)
新的 IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice 布尔运算属性,默认为False。
通过代码支持新的Metro and iOS
New .AsATR Function属性,ATR Function可以运用特定的属性和方式
如同在 VCL version中一样,在编译器中可用the PolarGrid tabs
设置 AutoScroll属性为True,用鼠标滚轮可以垂直滚动图表,并且是先窗口后图表滚动。如果Focus设置在图表中,他将只滚动图表。操作方式已发生改变。
GDI+ rendering 优化,默认designtime渲染模式。如果您希望以GDI展示图表,您可以通过 Aspect.GDIPlus接口下的3D::Rendering tab. The runtime 属性,在图表编译器中改变 rendering option,实现动态运行切换。
VC++ examples that uses OpenGL mode launch assertions (used for debug compilations) once OpenGL is activated, now these don't appear.
New TLegendItem Font property for custom items. Now you're able to do :
With TChart1
.AddSeries scBar
.AddSeries scBar
.Series(0).FillSampleValues (3)
.Series(1).FillSampleValues (3)
.Legend.LegendStyle = lsAuto
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Text = "item1"
.Legend.Items.Items(0).Font.Name = "Verdana"
.Legend.Items.Items(1).Text = "item2" .Legend.Items.Items(1).Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
End With
asAxisBreaksTool does not work fine in some IDEs, now fixed.
Shadow in IPieSeries didn't plot correctly. Fixed.
Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart editor produced an Access Violation error. Fixed.
Fixed resource leak when creating / saving more than 2500 JPEGs.
Pie series not rendering correctly in GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed.
"Close" button in chart editor not visible after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed.
"Grid index out of range" error when adding a Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed.
Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color don't work fine. Fixed.
Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save the state of the axes. Fixed.
IAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly.
Clicked function for IAreaSeries with Stairs doesn't work well. Fixed.
Standard Deviation not working under some circumstances. Fixed.
The Update and UpdateVSNET utilities was looking for teechart2010.ocx file, now changed to 2012.
TeeChartAXV2012Demo Fixes.
Chart.Environment.MouseWheelScroll doesn't take effect, you can continue scrolling, now fixed. As a workaround TChart1.Panning.MouseWheel = pmwNone could have been used.
Chart.Panning interface gives errors using some properties, now fixed.
In TeeMapsDemo, clicking an area between the Left axis the Hand style, and immediatly appears an Acces Violation Error. Fixed.
TeeChart Pro ActiveX v2013.0.1.0下载