
TeeChart Pro ActiveX控件发布v2013.0.1.0版本

原创|产品更新|编辑:郝浩|2013-05-28 11:48:10.000|阅读 395 次


好消息TeeChart Pro ActiveX更新 v2013.0.1.0版本了。TeeChart Pro ActiveX是一个图表控件,适用于可识别ActiveX编程环境——如:MicroSoft Office,VB,VC++,ASP以及Visual Studio.NET等等。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

好消息TeeChart Pro ActiveX更新 v2013.0.1.0版本了。TeeChart Pro ActiveX是一个图表控件,适用于可识别ActiveX编程环境——如:MicroSoft Office,VB,VC++,ASP以及Visual Studio.NET等等。此次更新有大量改进和Bug修复,还增加了一些新功能。最值得关注的是它支持新的Metro和IOS,可以访问ITChart.Themes属性,在TeeMapsMemo下的一些bug也修复了。相信经过v2013.0.1.0版本的更新TeeChart Pro ActiveX 控件的用户体验度会大幅提升。下面是此次更新的具体内容:



  • New Series.Marks.Style: smsLabelPercentValue,包括标签,百分数和值
  • ICircledSeries Circled默认属性变更,从False变更为True。(Pie,Donut,等)
  • 新的 IPieSeries.PieMarks.InsideSlice 布尔运算属性,默认为False。
  • 可访问IThemesList方式和属性的ITChart.Themes属性
  • 通过代码支持新的Metro and iOS
  • New .AsATR Function属性,ATR Function可以运用特定的属性和方式
  • 如同在 VCL version中一样,在编译器中可用the PolarGrid tabs
  • 设置 AutoScroll属性为True,用鼠标滚轮可以垂直滚动图表,并且是先窗口后图表滚动。如果Focus设置在图表中,他将只滚动图表。操作方式已发生改变。
  • 以前的版本在运行时,不可定制LegendPaletteTool坐标轴,现在该功能已经增加,并且对所有图表属性都适用。
  • GDI+ rendering 优化,默认designtime渲染模式。如果您希望以GDI展示图表,您可以通过 Aspect.GDIPlus接口下的3D::Rendering tab. The runtime 属性,在图表编译器中改变 rendering option,实现动态运行切换。



  • VC++ examples that uses OpenGL mode launch assertions (used for debug compilations) once OpenGL is activated, now these don't appear.
  • New TLegendItem Font property for custom items. Now you're able to do :
    With TChart1
    .AddSeries scBar
    .AddSeries scBar
    .Series(0).FillSampleValues (3)
    .Series(1).FillSampleValues (3)
    .Legend.LegendStyle = lsAuto
    .Legend.Items.Items(0).Text = "item1"
    .Legend.Items.Items(0).Font.Name = "Verdana"
    .Legend.Items.Items(1).Text = "item2" .Legend.Items.Items(1).Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
    End With
  • asAxisBreaksTool does not work fine in some IDEs, now fixed.
  • Shadow in IPieSeries didn't plot correctly. Fixed.
  • Removing an AntiAlias tool with the chart editor produced an Access Violation error. Fixed.
  • Fixed resource leak when creating / saving more than 2500 JPEGs.
  • Pie series not rendering correctly in GDI+ when Rotation<>0. Fixed.
  • "Close" button in chart editor not visible after visiting "Export" tab. Fixed.
  • "Grid index out of range" error when adding a Custom Legend tool at design time. Fixed.
  • Pointer Brush Style and Pointer Brush Color don't work fine. Fixed.
  • Scrolling with the MouseWheel doesn't save the state of the axes. Fixed.
  • IAxisBreaksTool was not displaying axis labels correctly.
  • Clicked function for IAreaSeries with Stairs doesn't work well. Fixed.
  • Standard Deviation not working under some circumstances. Fixed.
  • The Update and UpdateVSNET utilities was looking for teechart2010.ocx file, now changed to 2012.
  • TeeChartAXV2012Demo Fixes.
  • Chart.Environment.MouseWheelScroll doesn't take effect, you can continue scrolling, now fixed. As a workaround TChart1.Panning.MouseWheel = pmwNone could have been used.
  • Chart.Panning interface gives errors using some properties, now fixed.
  • In TeeMapsDemo, clicking an area between the Left axis the Hand style, and immediatly appears an Acces Violation Error. Fixed.

TeeChart Pro ActiveX v2013.0.1.0下载





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