最全面的WPF用户界面集WPF Studio 2013.1发布 新增图表控件
原创|产品更新|编辑:郝浩|2013-04-01 14:12:40.000|阅读
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概述:最全面的WPF界面控件集WPF Studio 、Silverlight Studio 2013.1发布。新版本WPF Studio和Silverlight Studio新增Charts图表控件,语法编辑器等控件也有多处更新。
# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>
最全面的WPF和Silverlight界面控件集WPF Studio和Silverlight Studio 2013.1发布。控件包含了Actipro公司所有WPF控件,目前已经超过了55种。新版本WPF Studio新增Charts图表控件,语法编辑器等控件也有多处更新。Silverlight Studio的目标框架变为Silverlight 5,其余更新和WPF Studio一样。下面是详细更新说明:
Docking/MDI支持 LayoutTransform检测
Micro Charts为各种图表图形控件新增UI自动化节点
Added an optional indicator margin and related indicator object model to display glyphs in the margin.
Added several built-in indicator types (bookmarks, breakpoints, etc.), along with several new indicator QuickStarts.
Improved editor views to scroll when a drag operation is near the edge of the control.
Updated the Color Preview Adornments QuickStart with support for rgb(...) and rgba(...) specifications.
Updated rendering so that highlighting styles with backgrounds that span a line terminator will fill in the line terminator's area.
Added the IHighlightingStyle.BackgroundSpansVirtualSpace property, which allows highlighting styles with backgrounds that span a line terminator to render the background to the editor's right edge.
Improved the print dialog so that it tries to remember printer settings between sessions.
Improved highlighting style border rendering.
Added numerous new helper methods to the CollectionTagger class.
Added the TextRangeTrackingModes.LineBased option that can be used with taggers for tracking the text range of a single line.
Added the IEditorViewTextChangeActions.TrimAllTrailingWhitespace method and related TrimAllTrailingWhitespaceAction class that trim the trailing whitespace off all lines in the document.
Updated IntelliPrompt code snippet shortcuts to only be recognized via Tab key presses when the selection is collapsed.
Updated IntelliPrompt code snippet template sessions to unescape $$ delimiters.
Adjusted the order in which IntelliPrompt sessions handle input events.
Updated the Sample Browser to initialize SyntaxEditor with some alternate highlighting styles when the new Metro Dark theme is active.
LL(*) Parser Framework
Updated the Getting Started 4d QuickStart's grammar to show off usage of AstLeftAssociativity.
.NET Languages Add-on
Added text formatters for both C# and VB, and updated related demos with format toolbar buttons.
Added automated IntelliPrompt features for attributes.
Added quick info for 'var' (C#) and 'Dim' (VB) keywords that shows the implicit variable type.
Updated the IntelliPrompt tips for generic method calls to include the type arguments.
Improved the resolver to handle lambda arguments passed to Expression<T> parameters.
Improved the resolver to properly resolve overloaded binary operators.
Improved the resolver to properly ignore overridden members that were intended to be hidden.
Improved the resolver's ability to select overloaded methods with delegate parameters.
Improved the assembly load code to try and prevent locking.
Updated the display of documentation comment text to normalize whitespace.
Fixed a bug where out parameters didn't show properly in C# quick info.
Web Languages Add-on
Updated the IXmlSchemaResolver.DefaultNamespacePrefixMappings dictionary to be initialized with the 'xml' prefix.
Added a new Metro Dark theme, that is similar to the dark Visual Studio 2012 appearance.
Changed the WindowChrome.HasMaximizeButton, HasMinimizeButton, and HasRestoreButton properties to be nullable booleans, with null meaning value is based on Window's ResizeMode.
Shared Library
Added the ParallaxConverter that can be used to create a parallax background scrolling effect.
Updated the AnimatedProgressBar's rendering speed for indeterminate mode.
Updated UnitConverter for XBAP compatibility.
Fixed a problem with StoryboardTransitionBase that could lead to a memory leak.
Sample Browser
Completely reimagined with a new modern UI style.
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