
HTML5 Web app开发工具Kendo UI Web教程:Grid网格控件本地化

原创|使用教程|编辑:龚雪|2013-11-06 10:49:26.000|阅读 3057 次

概述:Kendo UI Web包含数百个创建HTML5 web app的必备元素,包括UI组件、数据源、验证、一个MVVM框架、主题、模板等。为了使得产品可以符合不同市场的本地化需求和语言,Kendo UI中的网格控件提供了一种方法,来帮助用户通过使用配置选项来本地化用户的界面。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>


Kendo UI Web包含数百个创建HTML5 web app的必备元素,包括UI组件、数据源、验证、一个MVVM框架、主题、模板等。

    为了使得产品可以符合不同市场的本地化需求和语言,Kendo UI中的网格控件提供了一种方法,来帮助用户通过使用配置选项来本地化用户的界面。


toolbar: [
    //name - name of the available commands, text - text to be set on the button
    { name: "create", text: "Custom Create" },
    { name: "save", text: "Custom Save" },
    { name: "cancel", text: "Custom Cancel" }


columns: [
    { field: "FirstName", title: "First Name" },
    { field: "LastName", title: "Last Name" },
    { command: [
                name: "edit",
                text: { // sets the text of the "Edit", "Update" and "Cancel" buttons
                    edit: "CustomEdit",
                    update: "CustomUpdate",
                    cancel: "CustomCancel"
          { name: "destroy", text: "CustomDelete" } // sets the text of the "Delete" button
        title: " "


filterable: {
    messages: {
        info: "Custom header text:", // sets the text on top of the filter menu
        filter: "CustomFilter", // sets the text for the "Filter" button
        clear: "CustomClear", // sets the text for the "Clear" button

        // when filtering boolean numbers
        isTrue: "custom is true", // sets the text for "isTrue" radio button
        isFalse: "custom is false", // sets the text for "isFalse" radio button

        //changes the text of the "And" and "Or" of the filter menu
        and: "CustomAnd",
        or: "CustomOr"
    operators: {
        //filter menu for "string" type columns
        string: {
            eq: "Custom Equal to",
            neq: "Custom Not equal to",
            startswith: "Custom Starts with",
            contains: "Custom Contains",
            endswith: "Custom Ends with"
        //filter menu for "number" type columns
        number: {
            eq: "Custom Equal to",
            neq: "Custom Not equal to",
            gte: "Custom Is greater than or equal to",
            gt: "Custom Is greater than",
            lte: "Custom Is less than or equal to",
            lt: "Custom Is less than"
        //filter menu for "date" type columns
        date: {
            eq: "Custom Equal to",
            neq: "Custom Not equal to",
            gte: "Custom Is after or equal to",
            gt: "Custom Is after",
            lte: "Custom Is before or equal to",
            lt: "Custom Is before"
        //filter menu for foreign key values
        enums: {
            eq: "custom Is Equal to",
            neq: "custom Is Not equal to"


groupable: {
    messages: {
        empty: "Custom message text"


columnMenu: {
    messages: {
        sortAscending: "Sort Ascending",
        sortDescending: "Sort Descending",
        filter: "Filter",
        columns: "Columns"


pageable: {
    messages: {
        display: "{0} - {1} of {2} items", //{0} is the index of the first record on the page, {1} - index of the last record on the page, {2} is the total amount of records
        empty: "No items to display",
        page: "Page",
        of: "of {0}", //{0} is total amount of pages
        itemsPerPage: "items per page",
        first: "Go to the first page",
        previous: "Go to the previous page",
        next: "Go to the next page",
        last: "Go to the last page",
        refresh: "Refresh"

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慧都特邀Kendo UI原厂开发工程师举行线上公开课,使用该控件的朋友千万别错过哦>>





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