
FusionCharts Free免费版与FusionCharts XT版对比详情

原创|其它|编辑:郝浩|2013-01-09 15:24:48.000|阅读 8243 次

概述:尽管FusionCharts Free 免费且包含了一些最基本的图表功能,但是FusionCharts Free与FusionChart XT 在功能上面有比较大的差别。本文主要介绍FusionCharts Free免费版与FusionCharts XT版对比详情。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

尽管FusionCharts Free 免费且包含了一些最基本的图表功能,但是FusionCharts Free与FusionChart XT 在功能上面有比较大的差别。FusionChart XT 拥有惊人的外观和先进的图表报表功能。此外,FusionCharts Free支持通过Flash来渲染图表,而FusionCharts XT 可以在JavaScript和 Flash中渲染图表。

FusionCharts Free与FusionCharts XT版对比详情:

Overall difference

  Free版本 正式版
No of charts 22 42 Charts and 1 grid component
Renders charts in Flash. Will not run on iPhones and iPads since they don't support Flash. Flash and JavaScript (HTML5). Will run on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads and a majority of other mobile devices
Script/database independent Yes Yes
Takes data in XML XML and JSON, whichever you prefer
Loads in Flash movies No Yes
Animation in charts Most of the charts All charts support animation
Option to export charts No Yes, to JPEG, PNG and PDF. Also data export to CSV.
Drill-down support Partial Full
LinkedCharts No Yes
JavaScript APIs and Events Basic Advanced
JavaScript / AJAX Enabled Partial Full
Gradients and 3D lighting No Yes
Interactive zooming and scrolling No Yes, advanced charts available with zoom and scroll capabilities
Color Palettes No Yes
Support No personalized support Personalized support

Chart types

  Free版本 正式版
Column Chart Both 2D & 3D Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients. Also, glass effect column chart supported
Pie Chart Both 2D & 3D Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients. Also, interactive slicing and rotation are supported.
Bar Chart 2D Both 2D & 3D, with 3D-lighting and gradients.
Line Chart 2D Both 2D & 3D
Zoom Line Chart No Yes
Doughnut Chart 2D Both 2D & 3D, with 3D lighting and gradients. Also, interactive slicing and rotation are supported.
Area Chart 2D Both 2D & 3D
Stacked Charts Stacked 3D/2D Column, 2D Bar and 2D Area Charts Both 2D & 3D Stacked Column, Bar and Area Charts. With 3D lighting and gradients
Single Y Axis Combination Charts No Both 2D & 3D Column, Line, Area. Support for 3D-lighting effect, gradient fills and scrolling. Also a true 3D Combination chart with lots of interactive features.
Dual Y Axis Combination Charts 2D/3D Column (primary Y Axis) & Line (secondary Y Axis) Both 2D & 3D Column, Line, Area. Support for 3D lighting effect and gradient fills. Scrollable charts available.
Scrollable charts  No Yes 
Pareto Chart  No Yes
Marimekko Chart  No Yes
Interactive gauges (Dial chart, Linear Gauge, Bulb, LED, Cylinder) No Yes
Real-time/data streaming charts and gauges No Yes
Gantt Chart Yes Interactive Gantt chart with support for grouping of tasks, milestone markers and task connectors
Funnel & Pyramid Chart Funnel Chart Both Funnel & Pyramid
Bullet graphs No Yes
Sparklines, spark columns, spark win/loss charts No Yes
Heat Map Chart No Yes
Candlestick Chart Yes Yes
Drag Node Chart No Yes
Multi-axis Line Chart No Yes
Select Scatter Chart No Yes
Drag-able Charts No Yes
Waterfall Chart No Yes
Multi-level Pie Chart No Yes
Logarithmic Charts No Yes
Spline Charts No Yes
Inverse y-Axis Charts No Yes
Radar Charts No Yes
Box & Whisker Chart  No Yes
Error Chart No Yes
Kagi Chart No Yes

Detail features

  Free版本 正式版
Interactive legend No Yes
Multi-lingual (UTF-8) characters Yes. Horizontally. Yes. Both horizontally and vertically.
Custom Animation for each chart element No Yes
Customizable effects No Yes
X-axis label modes Rotate Rotate, stagger, slant and wrap. Or you can choose auto and the chart will select the best mode for itself.
Visual selection of data No Yes
Visual editing of data No Yes
Log & Inverse axis No Yes
Multiple Axis No Yes
Personalizing the chart No Yes
Custom display texts for data items No Yes
Multi-line tooltips No Yes
In-built visual debugger for easy debugging No Yes
Print Manager No Yes
Real-time charts No Yes


标签:JavaScript HTML5图表免费交互图表




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