

原创|其它|编辑:郝浩|2012-09-24 10:25:32.000|阅读 197 次


# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>


接下来,就让我们一起来看看,如何用Aspose.Pdf for .NET的事例代码来执行这个任务吧:


 // Instantiate an object PDF class
Pdf pdf = new Pdf();
// add the section to PDF document sections collection
Aspose.Pdf.Section section = pdf.Sections.Add();
//Instantiate a table object
Table table1 = new Table();
table1.Margin.Top = 300;
//Add the table in paragraphs collection of the desired section
//Set with column widths of the table
table1.ColumnWidths = "100 100 100";
//Set default cell border using BorderInfo object
table1.DefaultCellBorder = new BorderInfo((int)BorderSide.All, 0.1F);
//Set table border using another customized BorderInfo object
table1.Border = new BorderInfo((int)BorderSide.All, 1F);
//Create MarginInfo object and set its left, bottom, right and top margins
MarginInfo margin = new MarginInfo();
margin.Top = 5f;
margin.Left = 5f;
margin.Right = 5f;
margin.Bottom = 5f;
//Set the default cell padding to the MarginInfo object
table1.DefaultCellPadding = margin;
// if you increase the counter to 17, table will break
//because it cannot be accommodated any more over this page
for (int RowCounter = 0; RowCounter <= 16; RowCounter++)
  //Create rows in the table and then cells in the rows
  Row row1 = table1.Rows.Add();
  row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 1");
  row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 2");
  row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 3");
// get the Page Height information
float PageHeight = pdf.PageSetup.PageHeight;
// get the total height information of Page Top & Bottom margin,
// table Top margin and table height.
float TotalObjectsHeight = section.PageInfo.Margin.Top + section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom + table1.Margin.Top + table1.GetHeight(pdf);


// Display Page Height, Table Height, table Top margin and Page Top
// and Bottom margin information
MessageBox.Show("PDF document Height = " + pdf.PageSetup.PageHeight.ToString() + "\nTop Margin Info = " + section.PageInfo.Margin.Top.ToString() + "\nBottom Margin Info = " + section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom.ToString() + "\n\nTable-Top Margin Info = " + table1.Margin.Top.ToString() + "\nAverage Row Height = " + table1.Rows[0].GetHeight(pdf).ToString() + " \nTable height " + table1.GetHeight(pdf).ToString() + "\n ----------------------------------------" + "\nTotal Page Height =" + PageHeight.ToString() + "\nCummulative height including Table =" + TotalObjectsHeight.ToString());
// check if we deduct the sume of Page top margin + Page Bottom margin
// + Table Top margin and table height from Page height and its less
// than 10 (an average row can be greater than 10)
if ((PageHeight - TotalObjectsHeight) <= 10)
   // if the value is less than 10, then display the message.
   // Which shows that another row can not be placed and if we add new
   // row, table will break. It depends upon the row height value.
   MessageBox.Show("Page Height - Objects Height < 10, so table will break");
//Save the pdf document


 ' Instantiate an object PDF class
Dim Pdf = New Pdf()
' add the section to PDF document sections collection
Dim section As Aspose.Pdf.Section = Pdf.Sections.Add()
'Instantiate a table object
Dim table1 As Table = New Table()
table1.Margin.Top = 300
'Add the table in paragraphs collection of the desired section
'Set with column widths of the table
table1.ColumnWidths = "100 100 100"
'Set default cell border using BorderInfo object
table1.DefaultCellBorder = New BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, 0.1F)
'Set table border using another customized BorderInfo object
table1.Border = New BorderInfo(BorderSide.All, 1.0F)
'Create MarginInfo object and set its left, bottom, right and top margins
Dim margin As MarginInfo = New MarginInfo()
margin.Top = 5.0F
margin.Left = 5.0F
margin.Right = 5.0F
margin.Bottom = 5.0F
'Set the default cell padding to the MarginInfo object
table1.DefaultCellPadding = margin
' if you increase the counter to 17, table will break
' because it can not be accomodated any more over this page
For RowCounter As Integer = 0 To 16
'Create rows in the table and then cells in the rows
Dim row1 As Row = table1.Rows.Add()
    row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 1")
    row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 2")
    row1.Cells.Add("col " + RowCounter.ToString() + ", 3")
' get the Page Height information
Dim PageHeight As Double = Pdf.PageSetup.PageHeight
' get the total height information of Page Top & Bottom margin,
' table Top margin and table height.
Dim TotalObjectsHeight As Double = section.PageInfo.Margin.Top + section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom + table1.Margin.Top + table1.GetHeight(Pdf)
' Display Page Height, Table Height, table Top margin and
' Page Top and Bottom margin information
MessageBox.Show("PDF document Height = " & Pdf.PageSetup.PageHeight.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Top Margin Info = " & section.PageInfo.Margin.Top.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Bottom Margin Info = " + section.PageInfo.Margin.Bottom.ToString() + Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Table-Top Margin Info = " & table1.Margin.Top.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Average Row Height = " & table1.Rows(0).GetHeight(Pdf).ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Table height " & table1.GetHeight(Pdf).ToString() & Environment.NewLine & " ----------------------------------------" & Environment.NewLine & "Total Page Height =" & PageHeight.ToString() & Environment.NewLine & "Cummulative height including Table =" & TotalObjectsHeight.ToString())
' check if we deduct the sume of Page top margin + Page Bottom margin
' Table Top margin and table height from Page height and its less
' than 10 (an average row can be greater than 10)
If PageHeight - TotalObjectsHeight <= 10 Then
    ' if the value is less than 10, then display the message.
    ' Which shows that another row can not be placed and if we add
    ' new row, table will break. It depends upon the row height value
    MessageBox.Show("Page Height - Objects Height < 10, so table will break")
End If
'Save the pdf document





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