

原创|其它|编辑:郝浩|2011-09-15 12:01:13.000|阅读 1178 次

概述:图表支持是Aspose.Slides for .NET 用户所询问得非常普遍的问题。使用Aspose组件中的Aspose.Cells for .NET,可以创建 MS Excel格式的图表,然后再使用Aspose.Slides for .NET将图表嵌入成OLE对象。

# 慧都年终大促·界面/图表报表/文档/IDE等千款热门软控件火热促销中 >>

  图表支持是Aspose.Slides for .NET用户所询问得非常普遍的问题。使用Aspose组件中的Aspose.Cells for .NET,可以创建 MS Excel格式的图表,然后再使用Aspose.Slides for .NET将图表嵌入成OLE对象。具体实现步骤如下:



public static void Run()


//Step - 1: Create an excel chart using Aspose.Cells


//Create a workbook

Workbook wb = new Workbook();

//Add an excel chart

int chartRows = 55;

int chartCols = 25;

int chartSheetIndex = AddExcelChartInWorkbook(wb, chartRows, chartCols);

//Step - 2: Set the OLE size of the chart. using Aspose.Cells


wb.Worksheets.SetOleSize(0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);

//Step - 3:  Get the image of the chart with Aspose.Cells


Bitmap imgChart = wb.Worksheets[chartSheetIndex].Charts[0].ToImage();

//Save the workbook to stream

MemoryStream wbStream = wb.SaveToStream();

//Step - 4 AND 5


//Step - 4: Embed the chart as an OLE object inside .ppt presentation using Aspose.Slides


//Step - 5: Replace the object changed image with the image obtained in step 3 to cater Object Changed Issue


//Create a presentation

Presentation pres = new Presentation();

Slide sld = pres.GetSlideByPosition(1);

//Add the workbook on slide

AddExcelChartInPresentation(pres, sld, wbStream, imgChart);

//Step - 6: Write the output presentation on disk





static int AddExcelChartInWorkbook(Workbook wb, int chartRows, int chartCols)


//Array of cell names

string[] cellsName = new string[]


"A1", "A2", "A3", "A4",

"B1", "B2", "B3", "B4",

"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4",

"D1", "D2", "D3", "D4",

"E1", "E2", "E3", "E4"



//Array of cell data

int[] cellsValue = new int[]








//Add a new worksheet to populate cells with data

int dataSheetIdx = wb.Worksheets.Add();

Worksheet dataSheet = wb.Worksheets[dataSheetIdx];

string sheetName = "DataSheet";

dataSheet.Name = sheetName;

//Populate DataSheet with data

for (int i = 0; i < cellsName.Length; i++)


string cellName = cellsName[i];

int cellValue = cellsValue[i];



//Add a chart sheet

int chartSheetIdx = wb.Worksheets.Add(SheetType.Chart);

Worksheet chartSheet = wb.Worksheets[chartSheetIdx];

chartSheet.Name = "ChartSheet";

//Add a chart in ChartSheet with data series from DataSheet

int chartIdx = chartSheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);

Chart chart = chartSheet.Charts[chartIdx];

chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A1:E1";, false);

chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A2:E2", false);

chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A3:E3", false);

chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A4:E4", false);

//Set ChartSheet an active sheet

wb.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = chartSheetIdx;

return chartSheetIdx;



static void AddExcelChartInPresentation(Presentation pres, Slide sld, Stream wbStream, Bitmap imgChart)


Aspose.Slides.Picture pic = new Aspose.Slides.Picture(pres, imgChart);

int picId = pres.Pictures.Add(pic);

int slideWidth = pres.SlideSize.Width;

int slideHeight = pres.SlideSize.Height;

int x = 0;

byte[] chartOleData = new byte[wbStream.Length];

wbStream.Position = 0;

wbStream.Read(chartOleData, 0, chartOleData.Length);

OleObjectFrame oof = sld.Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame(x, 0, slideWidth, slideHeight,

"Excel.Sheet.8", chartOleData);

oof.PictureId = picId;


[Visual Basic]

Shared Sub Run()

'Step - 1: Create an excel chart using Aspose.Cells


'Create a workbook

Dim wb As Workbook = New Workbook()

'Add an excel chart

Dim chartRows As Integer = 55

Dim chartCols As Integer = 25

Dim chartSheetIndex As Integer = AddExcelChartInWorkbook(wb, chartRows, chartCols)

'Step - 2: Set the OLE size of the chart. using Aspose.Cells


wb.Worksheets.SetOleSize(0, chartRows, 0, chartCols)

'Step - 3: Get the image of the chart with Aspose.Cells


Dim imgChart As Bitmap = wb.Worksheets(chartSheetIndex).Charts(0).ToImage()


'Save the workbook to stream

Dim wbStream As MemoryStream = wb.SaveToStream()

'Step - 4 AND 5


'Step - 4: Embed the chart as an OLE object inside .ppt presentation using Aspose.Slides


'Step - 5: Replace the object changed image with the image obtained in step 3 to cater Object Changed Issue


'Create a presentation

Dim pres As Presentation = New Presentation()

Dim sld As Slide = pres.GetSlideByPosition(1)

'Add the workbook on slide

AddExcelChartInPresentation(pres, sld, wbStream, imgChart)

'Step - 6: Write the output presentation on disk



End Sub


Shared Function AddExcelChartInWorkbook(ByVal wb As Workbook, ByVal chartRows As Integer, ByVal chartCols As Integer) As Integer

Dim cellsName As String() = { _

"A1", &quot;A2", "A3", "A4", _

"B1";, "B2", "B3", "B4", _

"C1", "C2", "C3&quot;, "C4", _

"D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", _

&quot;E1", "E2", "E3", "E4" _


'Array of cell data

Dim cellsValue As Integer() = { _

67, 86, 68, 91, _

44, 64, 89, 48, _

46, 97, 78, 60, _

43, 29, 69, 26, _

24, 40, 38, 25 _


'Add a new worksheet to populate cells with data

Dim dataSheetIdx As Integer = wb.Worksheets.Add()

Dim dataSheet As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(dataSheetIdx)

Dim sheetName As String = "DataSheet"

dataSheet.Name = sheetName

'Populate DataSheet with data

For i As Integer = 0 To cellsName.Length - 1

Dim cellName As String = cellsName(i)

Dim cellValue As Integer = cellsValue(i)



'Add a chart sheet

Dim chartSheetIdx As Integer = wb.Worksheets.Add(SheetType.Chart)

Dim chartSheet As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(chartSheetIdx)

chartSheet.Name = "ChartSheet"

'Add a chart in ChartSheet with data series from DataSheet

Dim chartIdx As Integer = chartSheet.Charts.Add(ChartType.Column, 0, chartRows, 0,


Dim _chart As Chart = chartSheet.Charts(chartIdx)

_chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + ";!A1:E1", False)

_chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A2:E2", False)

_chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + "!A3:E3", False)

_chart.NSeries.Add(sheetName + &quot;!A4:E4", False)

'Set ChartSheet an active sheet

wb.Worksheets.ActiveSheetIndex = chartSheetIdx

AddExcelChartInWorkbook = chartSheetIdx

End Function

Shared Sub AddExcelChartInPresentation(ByVal pres As Presentation, ByVal sld As Slide, ByVal wbStream As Stream, ByVal imgChart As Bitmap)

Dim pic As Aspose.Slides.Picture = New Aspose.Slides.Picture(pres, imgChart)

Dim picId As Integer = pres.Pictures.Add(pic)

Dim slideWidth As Integer = pres.SlideSize.Width

Dim slideHeight As Integer = pres.SlideSize.Height

Dim x As Integer = 0

Dim chartOleData(0 To wbStream.Length) As Byte

wbStream.Position = 0

wbStream.Read(chartOleData, 0, chartOleData.Length)

Dim oof As OleObjectFrame = sld.Shapes.AddOleObjectFrame
(x, 0, slideWidth, slideHeight,

"Excel.Sheet.8", chartOleData)

oof.PictureId = picId

End Sub





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