标签:HTML5用户界面控件ComponentOne开发商: GrapeCity
当前版本: 2018 v2
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ComponentOne Studio - Web Forms Edition 为您提供一整套完备的开发工具包,用于在各种浏览器中创建和设计具有现代风格的Web应用程序。其中包含的Web窗体控件、MVC scaffolding模板以及HTML5/JavaScript页面组件,能使您可以仅通过几行代码就可以在系统中实现丰富的功能。更为重要的是,ComponentOne Studio - Web Forms Edition源自于我们广受青睐的Wijmo产品核心技术,因此您可以得到与Wijmo前端组件相一致的服务端控件,而且它融入了HTML5、jQuery、jQuery Mobile、CSS3以及SVG。
Do more with less code. Over 45 styled, supercharged, and easy-to-use controls built on Web standards including AJAX, CSS, and XHTML. Shift your site into overdrive with ComponentOne Studio® for ASP.NET AJAX.
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可用于任何ASP.NET系统的开发ComponentOne 使用强大的客户端核心技术--Wijmo,为从WebForms到MVC应用程序开发提供最终的UI控件。使用Wijmo这一项技术您就可以完成客户端到服务端的所有开发工作,ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包是您团队在进行Web应用程序开发时一件不可多得的利器。 | |
最领先的Web开发技术使用集HTML5、jQuery、CSS3、和SVG多项技术于一体的ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包进行开发,可以让您的 Web应用系统紧跟当前的流行趋势,并能让您的Web应用程序拥有更快的执行速度、用户访问也更加流畅。 | |
便捷的系统主题切换您可以非常便捷地为您的整个系统定义统一的显示外观。您可以使用ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包内置的6个主题,同时您还可以使用jQuery UI项目提供的30多个主题,甚至可以使用ThemeRoller创建属于您自己的系统主题。
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完美的跨浏览器兼容性您系统的UI可以在多种浏览器和设备中正常运行,因此您不必担心跨浏览器的兼容性问题。例如:拥有互操作能力的图表不仅能够在IE6上运行,也能在iPad上运行。 ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包支持以下浏览器:IE6及其更高版本、Firefox3及其更高版本、Safari3及其更高版本、Chrome和Opera。 | |
卓越的性能在现代的Web应用系统开发,客户端的下载速度和性能是两个非常重要的指标。考虑到以上这些关键因素,我们开发了一套新的高性能客户端框架--Wijmo。使用ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包,您可以指定某功能实在客户端执行,还是在服务端执行。便捷的开发模式,最大限度地减少了访问服务端的次数,实现客服端最佳的下载速度与脚本优化。 | |
基于最新的Web标准Web标准中的语义标签、渐进增强、CSS样式都是组成健壮 Web 应用系统的重要因素。与此同时,一些辅助功能像Section 508和ARIA的支持也至关重要。ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET控件包正是使用了这些Web标准,并严格遵循辅助功能准则。 | |
无与伦比的金牌支持您完全不必担心在使用过程中遇到某些问题而减缓您的开发速度,您可以使用我们的高级支持功能来获得快速和专业的技术支持,从热线支持到在线智囊社区可以看出,我们提供的售后是无可比拟的。 | |
完整的文档您可以使用循序渐进的文档和完整的示例代码进行学习。在ComponentOne Studio for ASP.NET文档中有快速入门、使用手册、语法等内容,或者您也可以直接运行示例来了解这些控件的功能。 |
What's Inside?
Accordion Provide multiple panes of content displaying them one at a time. Bind to data, expand the content in 4 directions, add animations, and more. |
Calendar Add a calendar to your Web site. Show a single month or a table of months with customizable styles and navigation elements. |
ComboBox Full-featured combo box control that combines an editable text box with an auto-searchable drop-down list. |
Editor Replace any text box with this intuitive Microsoft Word-like rich text editor. Edit your HTML content in your preferred style. |
Excel Read and write Microsoft Excel files to your .NET Apps. OpenXml format support allows you to save smaller, compressed XLSX files. |
Expander Expand and contract the content panel with built-in animation effects. |
FormDecorator Easily style simple elements like buttons or check boxes on your Web apps for a rich UI experience. |
Foxy Edit your Studio for ASP.NET AJAX control’s pre-existing visual styles or create your own theme from scratch with this easy-to-use skin customization tool. |
Gauges Generate rich dashboard-style applications. Select from a rich group of linear, radial, and knob type gauge controls. |
GridView Display items from a data source in an interactive, fully customizable table. Select, edit, delete, sort, and group data. |
HeaderContent Easily layout and display blocks of content on your Web pages. |
Input Your complete collection of data-entry and validation controls: choose from masked, date, numeric, and custom editing. |
Menu Create multi-level menus with animation effects, image and check box items, interactive item scrolling, and more. |
MultiPage Display multiple pages of content all within one control and navigate using the built-in buttons, custom buttons, or auto play feature. |
NavPanel With very little setup required, display menu information in a Microsoft Outlook-style navigation panel. |
PDF Create Adobe PDF documents from your apps. Get security, compression, outlining, hyper-linking, attachments, and more. |
ProgressBar Visually indicate the progress of an operation. |
ReportViewer Turn your data into powerful, printable, Web-ready reports in minutes. |
Scheduler Create a full-featured scheduling application with the familiar look of Microsoft Outlook. |
Slider Provide a simple, familiar way for end-users to choose a value in a predefined range. |
Splitter Create resizable panels in your apps without using any resizing code. Customize the look with CSS, mouse over styles, ToolTips, and images. |
SuperPanel Add custom scrolling, resizing, rounded corners, and drop shadows to any panel in your web app. |
TabControl Host full pages of content on multiple tabs, and easily organize and navigate Web content. |
TabStrip Create tabbed interfaces for your Web site. Host full pages of content on each tab, have multiple rows of tabs, enable scrolling, and more. |
Toolbar Create custom toolbars for additional navigation in your Web site. You have the flexibility to place almost any control in the toolbar. |
ToolTip Give your end-users a better UX with context-sensitive ToolTips. |
TreeView Present items in a hierarchical tree structure, and effortlessly add animation, style, and drag-and-drop functionality. |
Upload Upload files and streams to the server. |
WebChart Add high quality 2D and 3D charts to your Web apps. |
Window Create robust, interactive, customizable dialog windows that can be created on the client-side or server-side. |
Zip Quickly compress data, saving disk space and network bandwidth, and easily manipulate and work with compressed data. |
Features and Highlights
1、 | 45+ Feature-packed Components and Controls Studio for ASP.NET AJAX adds over 45 controls to your Visual Studio toolbox, including grids, charting, reporting, scheduling, calendars, menus, toolbars, treeviews, tabs, inputs, editors, splitters, and more! These controls not only fill the gap with what's missing in the standard toolkit, but they add more features, functionality, and better performance over their existing counterparts. |
2、 | Bring the Windows Experience to the Web The Windows experience is familiar to millions of users worldwide. With our highly-responsive, AJAX-enhanced components, you can deliver this familiar experience in any Web application and take your usability to a higher level. |
3、 | Cross-browser Compatibility Save time and effort by using Studio for ASP.NET AJAX components to ensure that your UI works in all standard browsers. |
4、 | Built-in Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Themes All of our new components are packaged with new and improved themes based on the latest trends in UI design. The polished, professional look of the controls will make your applications stand out of the pack. |
5、 | Design with Ease: SmartTags, Editors, Wizards, and More All of our components are built to include SmartTag support with access to designers and the most common properties. Our controls have been rated the highest in design time experience in the market. We strive to simplify your job as a developer and offer the tools to do just that. |
6、 | Deliver Rich Office-style UI's with Editor ComponentOne Editor™ offers industry-best HTML editor experience with valuable preview, code, and split modes. We have created an editing experience that's easy enough for the novice user, yet comprehensive enough for the advanced developer. |
7、 | Slim Down Your Code by Using Production-ready GridView Achieve full-featured, fully-functional data view right out of the box with ComponentOne GridView™. Just give the GridView control a DataSource and you've got: sorting, paging, grouping, dynamic scrolling, and more! |
8、 | Migrate from Microsoft Access and Crystal Reports ComponentOne WebReports™ companion, the C1ReportDesigner application lets you create new reports from scratch or import existing ones from Microsoft Access and Crystal Reports. You don't have to be an expert to add Access-style database reports to your Web pages; no coding required! |
9、 | Create Stunning 2D and 3D Charts with WebChart Whether displaying a chart derived from cached data, streaming data, or complex data sources; ComponentOne WebChart™ provides rich design-time support that allows you to create stunning effects without leaving the design surface. |
10、 | Ensure Data Integrity with Input ComponentOne Input™ has robust client-side validation for data types. By replacing standard text boxes with our input controls you can drastically improve your data integrity without writing a single line of code. |
Penton Media :: December 2010 Category: Navigation Control Award: 2010 Community Choice Awards Product: Menu for ASP.NET AJAX |
Visual Studio Magazine :: August 2009 Category: Charting & Multimedia Award: Readers’ Choice Merit Product: WebChart for ASP.NET |
asp.netPRO :: May 2009 Category: Navigation Control Award: asp.netPRO Readers' Choice Award Product: Menu for ASP.NET AJAX |
asp.netPRO :: May 2009 Category: Scheduling/Calendar Tool Award: asp.netPRO Readers' Choice Award Product: Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX |
Visual Studio Magazine :: June 2006 Category: UI Components - Web Forms Award: Readers Choice Product: ComponentOne WebMenus and WebBars™ for ASP.NET |
Visual Studio Magazine :: June 2006 Category: Grid Components - Web Forms Award: Merit Product: GridView for ASP.NET AJAX |
更新时间:2018-12-04 13:48:24.000 | 录入时间:2007-06-28 14:01:00.000 | 责任编辑:吉伟伟
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