Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC是一款报表工具,是专为利用MVC技术在ASP.NET中创建报表而设计的。
标签:报表解决方案ASP.NET报表控件开发商: Stimulsoft
当前版本: 2013.2
本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,具体以商家网站介绍为准,如有疑问请来电 023-68661681 咨询。
Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC是一款在 ASP.NET程序里运用MVC技术的报表工具。Stimulsoft Reports.Web将提供完整的报表创建周期,可在web浏览器未被关闭之前,完成从报表模板开始到在浏览器中显示报表的这个过程。该产品支持经典的ASP.NET MVC技术和ASP.NET MVC Razor的视图引擎,也支持MVC2.0版本框架以上的所有版本,避免了了在客户端安装.NET框架, ActiveX 组件和其他插件。
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Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC is a reporting tool designed for developing reports in ASP.NET using the MVC technology. Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC provides a complete development cycle of reporting, ranging from the creation of report templates and ending with showing them in the browser. The product supports the classic ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET MVC Razor. It also supports all versions of MVC Framework, starting with version 2.0. There is no need to install .NET Framework, ActiveX components or other special plug-ins on the client machine.
* 关于本产品的分类与介绍仅供参考,精准产品资料以官网介绍为准,如需购买请先行测试。
Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC功能描述
全功能的基于Web的报表设计器 客户端只需要有任意的浏览器和Flash 10.2或者以上的版本,便可实现在网页浏览器中直接编辑报表。 | |
网页上查看报表 拥有在浏览器窗口显示、打印、保存报告的20多种格式,比如:PDF, XPS, Excel, Word, HTML, RTF, XML等,所有的这些格式,都包含在产品中,或者直接通过网页应用代码在网页查看器中查看。 | |
复杂报表的管理 拥有特殊的设计组件,比如:SubReport、Container、Clone等,客户创建大量的复杂报表,在报表中不添加任何的限制嵌套级别的数据,数组和元素的数量,变量数量,参数和查询,努力使开发者避免报表设计过程中的障碍。 | |
软件授权规则简单 Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MV授权简单,在客户端使用我们的报表不会收取许可费用,只需要开发者授权即可。 |
Stimulsoft Reports功能详解
创建报表 - Stimulsoft Reports以最简单的方法创建交叉式报表,可以将报表模板便捷地分隔为多页,也可以使用报表引擎来实现数据排序、分组及过滤,它提供无限制的层级报表和多列报表,拥有独特的容器、页面分段。
对数据进行操作 - Stimulsoft Reports支持ADO.Net 类型的数据和业务对象,你可以直接从报表中获取数据,也可以从取Xml中获取数据。
报表设计器 - Stimulsoft Reports可以在运行时使用报表设计器,支持在页面中编辑文本,并且还支持使用报表设计器进行预览。它拥有用户友好的界面和完善的本地化,对不同的任务可以进行简单的设置。
对已创建的报表进行操作 - Stimulsoft Reports的报表预览窗口简单方便并且支持在预览窗口中编辑报表,支持网页格式的报表,可以以不同的格式输出报表。
Stimulsoft Reports功能对比表
此表为你展示了Stimulsoft Reports产品线的产品之间的区别是什么,帮助你选择最佳的报表解决方案。 特征WinForms报表查看器 WPF报表查看器 Silverlight报表查看器 包含Ajax客户端的ASP.NET报表查看器 包含Flash客户端的ASP.NET报表查看器 包含Silverlight客户端的ASP.NET报表查看器 包含Flash客户端的ASP.NET MVC报表查看器 WinForms报表设计器 WPF报表设计器 Silverlight报表设计器 包含Silverlight客户端的ASP.NET报表设计器 包含Flash客户端的ASP.NET报表设计器 包含Flash客户端的ASP.NET MVC报表设计器 独立报表设计器 报表引擎 报表引擎 (Silverlight) 可用源代码此表对Stimulsoft Reports.Fx产品线的报表工具进行了比较,帮助你选择一款最适合你的需求的报表工具。此表中显示了Stimulsoft Reports.Fx产品之间的基本区别 特征包含Flash客户端的报表查看器包含Flash客户端的报表设计器PHP服务端 Java服务端 报表引擎独立报表设计器可用源代码 |
更多Stimulsoft Reports视频教程参考:
Is it possible to create and edit reports directly in Web? Yes! Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC includes a full-featured web based report designer that allows you to edit reports directly in the web browser. All you need is any browser and Flash Player 10.2 and higher. It is very simple on the server side as well as on the client side. Just put the ASP.NET MVC component on the web form and assign the necessary actions. Our web report designer meets almost any requirement to create your reports. Ribbon interface, visual component builder, Report Wizards, tabular editing, zooming, and many other functions for easy and fast editing of reports are available in our product. |
Do you want to view reports in Web? Forget worrying about "how do your users will see the report" simply create it in Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC. A wide range of options including displaying reports in the browser window, printing reports, saving them to more than 20 report formats, such as PDF, XPS, Excel, Word, HTML, RTF, XML, etc. All this can be done from the web report viewer that is included into the product, or directly from the web application code. |
Does your report engine is capable to manage with very complex reports? In our report generator we specially designed components, such as Sub-Report, Container, Clone, which allow building complex reports. With Stimulsoft Reports.Web for MVC you will build almost any complex report. We do not impose any restrictions on the nesting level of data in reports, the number of groups and elements, the number of variables, parameters and query. We are trying to push the developer far from obstacles in the report designing process. |
How complicated are the software licensing rules? It is very simple! Our report does not require licensing fees when it is used on the client side. Accordingly, you need a license only for your developers. |
更新时间:2015-10-14 15:07:33.000 | 录入时间:2012-08-14 03:52:32.000 | 责任编辑:胡涛
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