标签:Editor工业4.0开发商: DevExpress
当前版本: v15.1.4
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ASPxHTML Editor使您可以用丰富的编辑功能传送网络应用程序。不管您要建立的方案是博客编辑器,邮件客户端或者简单地交换公司的格式化文档--您简单地拖一个控件到表单上,就能马上使用这个文本编辑器,它提供了一个直观的类似Microsoft Word的用户界面(相似的工具条和一样的键盘快捷键)。
The ASPxHTML Editor allows you to deliver web applications with rich text editing functionality. Regardless of the solution you need to build – be it a blog editor, email client or simply exchanging formatted documents within your company - you simply drop the control onto a form and instantly have access to a text editor with an intuitive user interface that resembles Microsoft® Word (with similar toolbars and the same keyboard shortcuts).
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ASPxHTMLEditor控件不仅是一个WYSIWYG编辑器,它还支持HTML输入。您不必选择输入方法,因为此控件提供了视觉编辑器和HTML代码的自动双向同步。 终端用户可以转换到代码查看,并通过控制每个标签和属性编辑文档。您同样可以使用视觉编辑器目前不支持的标签。它们随时可以变换使用最适合当前编辑要求的视图。一旦编辑结束,您可以立即获取在线发布的HTML代码。
ASPx HTMLEditor -用户界面
两个内建的Microsoft Office样式的工具条方便访问所有的功能。例如Office,工具条按钮和集成编辑器会根据目前选择的文本块,自动更新状态或内容。从字型名编辑器到文本和背景颜色按钮,这个对所有的项都有效。
利用DevExpress ASPxMenu控件,可以建立ASPxHTMLEditor工具条。
如果你需要访问产生的HTML代码,或如果有些工作在代码下工作更方便,你可以切换到HTML视图。当你切换回,调用服务器端验证和同步。这些操作通过AJAX callbacks完成以保证最高水平的响应速度。
ASPxHTML Editor - 编辑特点
ASPxHTMLEditor保留了所有的操作,允许你返回操作或重复相同的操作。您还可以使用工具条按钮或CTRL+Z和CTRL+Y快捷键-与您在Microsoft Word或其他的文本编辑器当中使用一样。
ASPxHTML Editor -打印和数据交换
从Microsoft Word复制
我们都知道, 微软Word输出产生的HTML相当冗长,它包含大量的属性,而这些在产生相同文档视图时不是真正需要的。当您需要将文本从Microsoft Word复制到the ASPxHTML Editor上时,所有的这些非必需的属性也被复制了。
现在新的ASPxHTML Editor允许你自动地排除这些额外的属性,获得更干净和紧凑的HTML代码。
打印HTML Editor内容
打印ASPxHTML Editor的内容非常方便,您的最终用户只需点击一个打印按钮。
In addition to being a WYSIWYG editor, the ASPxHTMLEditor control supports HTML input. You don't have to choose which input method to use, because the control provides automatic two-way synchronization between the visual editor and HTML code. End-users can switch to the code view and edit documents by manually controlling every tag and attribute. This allows them to use even those tags that aren't currently supported by the visual editor. At any time, they can switch back and forth to use the view that best suits their current editing requirements. Once editing has been completed, you instantly obtain HTML code to be published online.
To ensure superior performance, the editor initially generates the least amount of code required for its functionality on the client. When end-users need additional elements, such as popup windows for image or hyperlink management, these elements are loaded via AJAX callbacks. Callbacks are also used by default for all other actions that require communication with the server.
ASPx HTMLEditor - User Interface
Toolbars with Responsive Buttons
Two built-in Microsoft® Office® style toolbars provide easy access to all available functions. Just like Office, toolbar buttons and integrated editors automatically update their state or content, depending upon the currently selected text block. This works for all items – from the font name editor to buttons specifying text and background color.
The toolbars in the ASPxHTMLEditor were built using the DevExpress ASPxMenu control.
Custom Toolbars and Client-Side API
If needed, you can customize the editor's UI by hiding standard toolbars and adding any number of toolbars that include existing or custom commands. When implementing custom commands, you can make use of our client-side API, which allows you to invoke any sequence of built-in commands like deleting text, applying font formatting, etc.
If you need access to the generated HTML code, or if it's easier to do something in code, you can switch to the HTML view, and edit markup that represents the current content. When you switch back and forth, server-side validation and synchronization are invoked. These operations are done via AJAX callbacks to guarantee the highest level of responsiveness.
Note that HTML editing allows you to embed elements that currently can't be managed via the visual editor's built-in commands. And if you have text within those unsupported elements, you will still be able to customize its formatting via the editor's toolbars when in design view.
Built-in Context Menus
When you right-click an object, the ASPxHTMLEditor overrides the default browser menu and displays its own menu making editing commands easily available. Depending on the clicked object, you get slightly different command sets. For instance, if you've right-clicked an image, you can invoke the image customization dialog directly from the context menu.
ASPxHTML Editor - Editing Features
Text and Paragraph Formatting
As one might expect, our editor fully supports all basic text and paragraph formatting features, as shown in the following image.
Embedded Images
To embed images, simply click a toolbar button. This will invoke a modal popup dialog that provides two options for getting an image. One way is to upload an image from your hard drive to a special folder on the web site. Another is to simply refer to an image by URL. Whichever method you choose, the dialog allows you to specify custom image size, alignment and hint text. After an image has been added, the design view allows you to resize and re-locate the image using simple drag and drop operations.
The image customization dialog is invoked via an AJAX callback. This means that less HTML code is initially downloaded to the client.
The functionality related to hyperlinks is pretty much the same as with embedded images. There are two built-in toolbar buttons allowing you to link or unlink a selected text fragment. You get an AJAX-enabled popup dialog that specifies the target URL and other link-related attributes. Finally, when you right-click a link in design view, there's a special context menu item making link cusotmization more straightforward.
Multi-level Undo and Redo Operations
The ASPxHTMLEditor keeps track of all operations, allowing you to rollback to an earlier version or to repeat the same customizations. You can either use toolbar buttons or standard keyboard shortcuts - CTRL+Z and CTRL+Y - as you would do in Microsoft Word or any other text editor.
Security Assurance
The ASPxHTMLEditor accepts HTML code, which is a way to initiate web server attacks. One very obvious method used in malicious attacks is to run a script by inserting it into an image's Load event handler. To prevent this, our editor implements smart script validation that removes scripts, if assigned. (If you don't mind scripts, there's an option to turn off this script removal mechanism.)
Another potential source of harm is having links to images on other web sites. To avoid such links, our image insertion dialog allows you to download an image to the web site's upload folder. This way, you'll use a local copy rather than referring to an external resource.
ASPxHTML Editor - Printing and Data Exchange
Pasting from Microsoft Word
As we all know, the HTML output produced by Microsoft Word is pretty lengthy. It contains lots of attributes that aren't really required to produce the same document view. When you needed to copy text from Microsoft Word to the ASPxHTML Editor, all those unnecessary attributes were copied.
With this release, our HTML Editor control allows you to automatically eliminate these extra attributes and obtain cleaner and more compact HTML code.
Print HTML Editor Content
Printing the contents of the ASPxHTML Editor is now a piece of cake – just a single click for your end users.
更新时间:2018-03-02 16:49:32.000 | 录入时间:2009-05-19 16:50:45.000 | 责任编辑:龚雪
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